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Five days later

It's Saturday, usually my favourite time of week for chilling with the Krew or catching up on my all-important gaming. But instead, I'm lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling utterly depressed.

Asami has been distant around me, and everyone else for that matter. She's started to attend classes again, though I kind of wish she hadn't, since there's been what feels like a hole in my chest ever since Monday... ever since she cut me off. We haven't argued about it, hell, I've barely had the chance to talk to her, and I still think there's too much going on for me to approach her about my feelings. Yeah, feelings... turns out I might actually be in love with her, because I haven't been able to get her out of my head, and I just can't stop worrying about her. The other students have been wary, although many have started to come around as far as I can see, plus there have been no more weird attacks on her room, though there's the occasional complaint on the forums still.

Her company shares have gone down, a lot, like she predicted. Mako seems to think it will be temporary, that her company is too big to fold, but I guess we'll wait and see. The news reporters have been going nuts about it all - we've even had them come up here, to campus, waiting outside the gates. She usually goes out to them, just to give them what they need so they'll clear off. Then they take anything she says, and spin it around, making it out that there's suddenly nothing good about her, or about Satotech. To them, she's a vampire and that's all that matters. She wants blood. She doesn't have a heart, or a soul. Yeah, the news has been biased, full of shit.

I wonder what she's doing today. I'm so tempted to send her a text, I mean, friend can do that, can't they? But then again she hasn't been in touch. She's said hello in class a few times, but she barely even looks at me anymore, and the more I think about it, the angrier I get. I mean, I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to deserve this. Sure, not wanting a relationship is one thing, but not wanting to even talk to me is something else. Was it all an act? Did she pretend to like me, to be interested in me? Was I a bit of fun? Was she just enjoying the last few days as best she could, knowing that all this was coming up?

Does she even know that this is breaking my heart?

Oh great, more tears. I swear, it's like I've reverted to a damn teenager or something. I bury my head into my pillow and wait for it to stop, trying not to think about it but failing miserably. Fuck... I miss her. It had only been two weeks, but it's like she were a part of me somehow, and now not being with her is tearing me apart. I haven't even talked to Raava much, and I definitely haven't spoken to Kyoshi. Somehow it all reminds me of her, and I really don't want to see her in Kyoshi's memories right now, looking at Kyoshi the way I wish she'd look at me.

There has been some good news this week, if you can call it that. Apparently I've been put forwards for the final, along with Mako, Sen, Yena and Bolin. That's the test at the end of cube five, usually involving a real hunter job, to be witnessed by a teacher. If it all goes through, we'll be taking the test next Friday, maybe all together, maybe on separate jobs - it really depends what's out there at the moment. I'm kind of excited about it, the chance to go out into the world and make a difference. If I'd found Raava earlier, I'd probably have been out there two years ago, maybe even sooner, but then I'd never have met Asami. I can't decide if that'd be a worse fate than the one I'm experiencing right now.

Jinora or Opal will probably come and grab me any minute now. They've been taking care of me, making sure I don't skip any classes, or showers for that matter. I'm a mess. I'd be a bigger mess without them. I'm not sure I can go on like this... maybe it's better to clear the air after all, see if I can move on. If Asami doesn't have time now, then I'll try again later.

Me: Hey, can we talk some time?

I press send nervously, then wait for five minutes, idly scrolling through the news site on my mobile. A satotech mobile. The one she bought me... I throw it on the bed face down, scowling. Why can't I stop thinking about her? It's driving me insane! The phone suddenly buzzes and I quickly pick it back up, both disappointed and happy at the same time to see it's Jinny.

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