Blue and Green

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"Wait, aren't they already dead?" I ask, still feeling bewildered as I hurry after Asami along the northern wing corridor.

"Didn't you ask your teachers that?" she speaks over her shoulder, "It's not guaranteed they were killed. Ferals are fast, and they try to escape when in real danger."

"I... uh. Shit, I never did ask," I realise with a frown. If I'd known those monsters were alive this whole time, would I have done something stupid? It's probably best that I didn't think about this before.

"If they are still alive, I'll find them," Asami declares, as we hurry towards the car park, "And if not, maybe we'll find their friends. Assuming you remember where the attack happened?" she turns to face me whilst pressing a button on her key fob, causing a nearby car to beep into life. It's some sort of convertible, with the hood currently down, and I almost dance in excitement once I get a closer look.

"Holy shit! You have an R8!?" I exclaim, running towards the vehicle, stroking my hand over the glossy, red finish, "I've always wanted to ride in one of these!" I can't believe she has an Audi R8. And it's the convertible model too - a Spyder. I guess she really does have money.

"When you're done drooling over my baby, are you going to answer my question?" Asami asks, chuckling to herself as she jumps into the driver side. It's a little eerie watching her green eyes glow at me in the dark, but I think I'm already starting to get used to it. Maybe it's less frightening because she's adorned with all that glitter, who knows.

"Uh, yeah. It's about three miles out of campus, on the sharpest bend," I answer, getting into the passenger seat and buckling up.

"Ah, old bendy. Okay." Asami says, bringing the engine to life with a glorious growl. I almost forgot about the nickname of that particular bend, and many drivers have veered off the road there, not expecting a hairpin turn. Of course, Mey's car being flipped had little to do with the road itself.

"Wait, how do you know about old bendy?" I ask. I mean, Asami's only been here a week.

Asami brings the car to a stop at the campus exit, where she swipes her ID across the scanner. Ever since the Mey incident, as I've heard teachers affectionately call it, they set up these gateway scanners, only allowing us in and out if we scan our ID. It makes it sound like a prison, but it's not that bad - we still have free reign to come and go, the only difference is the whole place locks down if there's any kind of monster alert. Had this system been in place five years ago, Mey would still be alive.

"Hmm. I suppose even if I don't tell you, Kyoshi will," Asami eventually answers, frowning in thought whilst the security bar rises, and the tall, razor-wired security fence swings open, "I know this place well, Korra," she grins, and glances at me from the corner of her eye, "after all, Kyoshi and I founded it."

My jaw hangs slack, there's suddenly a hundred questions on my lips, and Asami starts to laugh at my no-doubt puzzled expression, although mainly keeping her focus on the road ahead as we pull slowly away. "I-but-what-"

"As I tried to tell you before, there's a lot you don't know. About sanes. About me. About pretty much everything. No offense," she says, smiling as her hair starts to slightly undulate in the wind.

For once, I'm literally lost for words. And this time, it's her turn to fill the silence, talking in almost giddy-like tones whilst she drives us down the road.

"You should have seen Unalaq's face when he realised they'd sent me to help. Hah!" she says, her lips twisting into a wide grin.

"My Uncle knows you?" I ask.

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