Thicker than Water

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I awake with a loud groan, clumsily reaching for my phone, putting a swift end to the eardrum-piercing cat screams, and then I look at the screen with bleary eyes. There's one new text.

Asami: Hope you're not too sore today after what I did to you all night :)

"Argh!" I groan in frustration. I'm sure she's trying to kill me - she's obviously well aware of the effect she has on me, and she's playing me, fucking with me. Like I'm her new favourite toy.

"Raava, what am I going to dooo..." I inwardly complain.

"Why don't you get your own back?" Raava asks, chuckling.

"Yes, I'll out-sass an ancient being, good call," I groan, then climb out of bed and start to get ready, casting my thoughts back to last night.

We trained for at least two hours, and yes, actually, I am sore today after 'what she did to me all night'. She gave me her all, showing her full speed, and at first, it felt impossible to track her. But she was patient, we kept trying, and eventually, I got her. At least once, I'm pleased to say. The rest of the time, I ate dirt. I ate dirt so much that I'm sure I have grass stains permanently etched onto my ass. I suppose there are worse fates than being bowled over by a sexy-as-hell vampire, though.

I pause, with my cream-coloured vest pulled halfway down. Did I seriously just think that? Shit.

Well, sore as I am, I'm just glad it's Friday. Half a day to get through, then I can relax, though I don't really have any plans other than the gym. I pick up my phone again and frown at Asami's text, then reply.

Me: I'm sore all over, thanks for that!

Nice and neutral. Not gonna flirt back, because then she'll think she's won, and it'll only get worse. I tug up my dark blue slacks, and pull out a white hoody from my wardrobe, figuring it feels a little chilly today even though it's supposedly still summer. Then I hear my phone buzz and excitedly reach for it.

Jinora: You up? Guess what!!

I try to ignore the fact that I feel a pang of disappointment because it isn't Asami.

Me: What?? :p

Jinora: I'm transferring next Monday. And so is Opal!

Me: OMG really? Shit, when did that happen?

Jinora: Tell you about it at lunch. YAY! KORRA WE ARE GONNA BE CUBEMATES

I laugh, then suddenly feel a little nervous. If they're moving to cube five, that means they'll want to hang out a lot more. Not that I'm complaining, but how am I supposed to keep Asami's secret... well, secret? I run a brush vigorously through my hair, frowning at myself in the mirror. I guess all I can do is see how it goes.

Yeah, things are definitely changing at campus. Su's lesson - Monster Bio - is all about vampire biology today. It's like the entire school is suddenly obsessed with them, and I can only hope it means the truth will be revealed soon. I wonder what the Krew will think about the fact I've knowingly been hanging out with a sane, and even crushing on her, not that I'd admit the last part. Or maybe I would.

"Okay, this is a normal sane's eyeball," Su says, drawing it out on the board with a tell-tale single vertical slit. Hah, she always starts her lessons with eyeballs, seriously. "And this," she scribbles another eye, "Is a feral's."

You can easily see the difference. As I've mentioned before, the single slit is split into two halves, one resting on top of the other.

"Who can tell me what it's called when the feral mutation begins?" Su asks, scanning the room for a show of hands. Practically everyone knows the answer to this one.

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