Sparkly Vampire

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One very cold shower later, I'm feeling invigorated, refreshed. And more than anything else, ecstatic that my stupid mensies are finally over, at least for now.

Yesterday still feels like a blur, and quite possibly the the biggest emotional roller coaster I've ever experienced. Today, I feel generally calm, but still a little anxious. I mean, Kyoshi, a vampire? Really? I guess I can finally understand why Raava has been so edgy towards me, and so secretive. There's just no way I would have accepted this before, hell, I'm not so sure I even accept it now. Although... if Kyoshi were a sane, then they really can't be as monstrous I've thought them to be all this time. Kyoshi and her warriors, according to the history books, pretty much saved the entire world in the great feral wars. Monsters don't save the world, do they?

Shit, I bet a vampire avatar would be a force to be reckoned with, a tide that'd easily turn a war, and I can't help but feel excited at the prospect of seeing it through Kyoshi's eyes. Maybe I'll get to see her smash some ferals into mush with her fists, a little like that dream I had where she fought them tooth and nail, assuming those things were ferals. It was too dark to see, and it was all over so quickly.

I'm lost in thoughts like these all morning, and I barely even acknowledge Bolin as we head to Monster Studies. Huh, now that I think about it, this marks exactly one week since I first saw Asami, strutting out of the headmaster's office like she owned the damn place. She's already sat in class, her face buried in her book, as usual. I really am dying to know why she pretends to study like that. Is it all part of the act? She tilts her head up as though sensing my stare, and I realise then that she only looks slightly older than the Asami in my dream. Maybe it's the massive bandage that ages her, or maybe it's her eyes, probably carrying hundreds of years' worth of wisdom.

She doesn't hold my gaze, doesn't really give away anything with her expression, and just returns to her book instead. Man, I just hope my email didn't piss her off further. I can actually start to guess her age now that I've learnt a few things. She was human in the memory, unless she'd developed some immunity to the red rash that vampires get when exposed to silver. On top of that, she can't have used suncream back then, since it didn't exist. So yeah, definitely human. I think Kyoshi was born almost four hundred years ago, and Asami can't be much older or younger than her, so...

I'm distracted from my daydream when a small piece of chalk flies into my cheek, lightly stinging, "Any plans to join us, Avatar?" Miss Beifong scowls. Ah, I missed her so, I truly did.

"Sorry miss," I raise my hand for the roll call, "I'm here."

Seems whatever Unalaq has planned must already be coming into play, because the entire morning is focused on the subject of vampires, including going over older stuff that we already knew, and re-affirming differences between ferals and sanes. Differences that are not always obvious, which is why there have been cases of frightened, freshly turned vampires being slain, thought to be ferals. It's mainly due to the fact that new ferals still appear humanoid, except unable to hide their fangs, form coherent words, or control their hunger. Miss Beifong reminds us that the key thing to look at is their eye - a feral's pupil is always split into two, looking almost like a colon. The older the feral gets, the closer the dots move together, eventually forming an almost hourglass shape.

All of this I already knew, but the next part of the lesson surprises me. Lin talks about sanes in a somewhat positive light, explains the benefits of a blood contract, which is new, since they usually describe it in a very negative manner. She even mentions the pleasures that can be felt from the bite of a sane! It's a brave move, and certainly seems to have piqued everyone's interest. I wonder if they kept it from us before out of fear we'd all want to rush out and get bitten - you know, the same reason they didn't teach sex ed at school once upon a time. Perhaps my conversation with Su helped get it out into the open, although it would have have been useful if I'd known it sooner.

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