Arc 14 - This Is Hopeless (unfinished)

14 1 4

Summary: A minute "orchestra" in search of a conductor. With only nine mediocre orchestral members, how will this hopeless ambition survive?

A broken key.

A broken black F#5 key.

A broken black F#5 key lay on the white keys of a worn down piano - although the "white keys" had all been replaced with a dull, dirty yellow instead.

"Another one again."

The resigned sigh came from a girl with teal hair, the sound echoing through the small room. "That's the fifth note. Very soon, I'll have no notes to play with."

Not that she even could. The piano was off-pirch and it was nearly impossible to play an actual song.

The violinist, an older girl with short brown hair, patted the younger girl's shoulder. "It's not that bad, you still have eighty-three notes to play with. If one of my strings snap, I only have three left."

In the girl's hand held a battered, wooden violin. It used to have a warm and inviting sound to it, but its strings had not been replaced for quite a while and the sound had gone.

"Yeah," the first girl agreed, brightening up. "Just don't snap your string-"

The sudden sound of the dreaded metal wire breaking seemed to boom through the room and dampen everyone's spirits more than they already had.

"Dammit!" A boy with blue hair yelled from the back of the room, in his hands holding a three-string cello, with one detached string hanging out and swaying in the air from the sudden impact. "Did you really have to say that out loud?"

"Uhh..." Nobody dared to breathe another word, afraid of another touchwood situation where another member's instrument would break.

The green-haired girl who'd been quietly cleaning her harp broke the silence. "Can we start practicing now?"

The orchestra members nodded and shifted into their positions, getting ready their instruments.

"One, two, three, four-" the teal-haired girl counted, and a blonde boy started the first beat with his timpani. The cellist then came in three beats later, playing a lower melody. Then the pianist, then the clarinet. Finally, the song's tempo escalated and the xylophone played a quick, descending scale, and everybody joined in at once, expecting a harmonious chorus-



"Guys I'm lost..."

"Wait, I'm supposed to come in here?"

The entire orchestra paused in confusion, with an occasional bow scrape from either of the string instruments every few seconds.

"Len, you're not to the beat!"

"What do you mean? I'm the one making the beat! You guys have to follow me!"

"I'm confused..." The pink-haired girl said.

"My xylophone mallet seems about to break..." The girl with two crimson twindrills announced too.

"Guys, wait, we're all following the wrong beat..." The trumpeter, who was also the drummer's twin sister, pointed out. "The song is 3/4 beats, not 4/4 like Miku counted."

Awkward flipping of pages.



The trumpeter, Rin, placed her instrument on her chair and stood up. "Why am I in this hopeless orchestra again?"

Her twin brother Len, the drummer, overheard her. "Because you have nowhere else to go and I dragged you in here so that you actually have friends-" he said, but was silenced with a glare that would have scared even the devil.

"We're not hopeless, we're just..." Miku, the suffering pianist, tried to be optimistic. And failed. "Okay, fine, maybe we are hopeless," she muttered.

"C'mon, it can't be that bad..." The pink-haired clarinetist, Luka, tried cheering everyone up.

"That's because you're playing a brass instrument. You have no strings to snap," the violinist Meiko commented.

"Nor any percussion sticks to break!" The xylophonist, Teto, piped up and held her nearly broken mallet. She nodded her head towards Len, who was holding up his tattered drumsticks too.

"Brass!? Clarinets are woodwind instruments, dumbass!" Luka shoved Meiko. Meiko blinked before bursting into laughter.

"Whatever, they're the same thing!"

Offended, Luka folded her arms. "I'm really stuck with a bunch of idiots."

Kaito reached into his bag to find a replacement for his snapped 'A' String. "Uhh, Meiko, can you help me restring my cello? Because I have no idea how to..."

Meiko stopped laughing and nudged Luka. "Okay, fine, we are truly a bunch of idiots."
Sighing, she walked over to tune restring Kaito's instruments. "God, we really need a conductor..."

Miku was folding a piece of paper into a cuboid. She then pasted it onto the missing F#5 key.

"There!" She exclaimed. "I fixed it!"

Teto walked over and pressed on the key.

It flattened.

Teto turned and stared at Miku.

"Okay... that didn't work out so well..." Miku laughed sheepishly, scratching her head.

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