Arc 1 - Chapter 1 (3552 words)

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"Miku! Look out!"

I barely had time to react when a bicycle riding at 100mph in the school corridor hit me. Miraculously I fell onto the floor, completely unscathed. I looked up.

"Len-kun!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, Mi-chan!" He stuck out his tongue bashfully. "I kinda lost control. I didn't expect Rin to install a turbo booster in my bicycle either!"

I shrugged and picked myself up. "That's cool. But what's the umbrella at the side for?" I pointed to a silly polka-dotted umbrella at the side of the handle.

Len glanced at it. "Rin says it's a machine gun umbrella. It'll cause the world's end, according to her."

"So... It's a World's End Umbrella? That's a Machine Gun?"

"Guess so."

At that moment, Rin came naruto-running down the corridor. "Len-kun!" She chided. "That was my bicycle!"

"It's mine," Len demanded. "I bought it for $2.35 on eBay with my own savings."

Rin eyed him before sighing. "Whatever. Trust you to find those kind of deals, anyway! Anyway, I went to the Convenience Store just now and grabbed this!" Rin whipped out a packet of fake insects. "It's the first day of this year and it's also the best day for pranks! Let's do it on Kaito!"

I laughed immediately. Len blinked before groaning. "Again?"

"It's tradition to do it at the start of every year!" I reminded him. "Hey, let's go put it now! I saw him walking with Gakupo to the basketball court just now, and he'd left his bag in the lockers!"

Grinning, Rin jumped onto Len's broken bike and sped through the corridors and hallways skilfully, skidding left and right like nobody's business.

By the time Len and I had reached the lockers, we were panting. Rin had placed the fake cockroach in Kaito's front pocket.

"Look," she smirked and pressed a hidden button on the fake cockroach. It began to move and wriggle, looking as realistic as possible. "I need to be around to hear Kaito's scream!"

"Count me in!" I yelled, and Len even managed to laugh.

We waited for Kaito to return. Waiting behind the wall was boring, but we knew his reaction would be worth it. Rin had connected the cockroach toy to a remote controller too, and she twiddled the controls with her thumbs impatiently.

Kaito walked back with Gakupo after fifteen minutes, sweating and holding a basketball in one hand. From the other side of the hallway, Meiko and Luka entered, walking towards their own lockers beside the boys'. I grinned, suppressing the rising giggle in my throat.

Kaito reached out and opened his bag. Expertly moving the joysticks, Rin made the cockroach jump onto his hands.

"Holy shit - AHHHH OH GOD GET IT OFF ME-!" Kaito screamed higher than I did in World is Mine. Hold on, forget I said that.

Flinging his hands wildly, Kaito leaped eighteen yards backwards and hit the wall. "Cockroach!" He screeched the obvious. Gakupo looked at his friend in concern. I turned to Rin, who seemed to be analysing the situation. She looked up at Len and me, making the cockroach run in circles I the meantime.

"Towards the boys or girls?"

"Still Kaito," Len and I answered in unison. Snickering, Rin turned the direction of the toy again and made it scurry towards the poor frightened boy. It climbed onto him, causing him to go into a seizure-like state of frenzy. "Gakupo! Help me!"

Gakupo began fast walking towards Kaito, but Meiko reached him first. Bending down, she caught the "cockroach" and began laughing herself.

"It's been... how many years?" She turned to Luka. "Good job getting scared by yet another prank." She dangled the cockroach in front of Kaito. "I'm surprised that you can't tell the difference between a cockroach and an obvious prank by Rin - like those she that she does every year - but I guess I overestimated your intelligence."

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