Arc 19 - Chapter "X" (unfinished)

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Takes place after Kaito accidentally hurts Miku. I haven't completed this and I don't think I will.



A blinding light filled the room and, rapidly blinking and trying to adjust to its sting, Rin saw the boy running away at full speed.

"Huh!? W-wait!" She sprung up and tried to chase after him, but couldn't see which direction he had gone even after the light died down. Looking left and right, the only person she saw was Miku - lying against a wall, unconscious.

Rin scanned Miku up and down worriedly, but she seemed to be fine.

"Hey, I'll leave you here for a while. Okay?"

The teal-haired girl didn't reply. Hesitantly, Rin pried her gaze away and began sprinting, her legs instinctively carrying her to her home.

The moment she stepped inside, all the illusions disappeared and it was really just an abandoned warehouse.

And there, against a dirty, whitewashed wall, she found him, burying his head in his knees and clenching his fists so tight they were trembling.

"W-what happened back there?" Rin immediately questioned, out of breath. "Why did you attack Miku!?" The boy didn't reply. Rin repeated her question and gradually found that she was screaming. "Answer me!"

"I didn't... attack Miku..." he whispered.

"Then what was that? She got hurt!"

The boy sighed, lifting his head up but looking away. "I said, I didn't attack Miku."

"Then... then who...? What happened back there?"

The boy unclenched his fists, then clenched them again.

"I don't know. My powers spiralled out of control."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I don't know!" This time he turned to glare at Rin. "They just started going off without me wanting them to. I don't know what happened, okay?"

Rin narrowed her eyes. "And they decided to hit Miku?"

The boy sprung up and, his eyes wide in anger, he grabbed Rin by her collar. "Do you want to know something? Maybe I don't care anymore. Stop going on and on about your precious Miku!"


Ignoring the panicked, confused look in her eyes, his grip tightened on her collar and his eyes bore into hers. She felt a jolt of pain surge through her chest - something she hadn't felt for years.

"Do you even remember why we're here? Hey, 'Rin-chan'," he growled, glaring at her so darkly that his eyes seemed to be on fire. The material at her collar was starting to tear. "Do you even remember why we're here? Why we're dead? It's all because of your 'precious' Miku. If you hadn't dragged us to save your precious little sister all those years before, we would have lived. And what more? Even after we died, Meiko and I transferred what was left of our powers to you so you could continue interacting with Miku normally. And this is what you do in return? Blaming us because your Miku got hurt? What about us!? We died because of her! We died because of you!"

"Kaito, wh-what are you-?" Rin began, but his hands let go of her collar and wrapped around her neck before she could finish her sentence.

"Rin. I hate you. All this is because of you. I wish... I wish I'd never met you-!"

His grip tightened around her neck and she winced, trying to cry out - but no sound came out. Flinging her hands wildly, she tried to escape but she couldn't.

She was a ghost. She couldn't die. Neither of them could die.

He was just going to hold her like that, inflict as much pain as possible, until she gave up and collapsed.

"Kaito... I... Sorry... Release... Please..." Rin croaked out, trying her best to breathe. Even as a ghost, she still had a semi-human body, and she couldn't breathe.

She was about to faint when his grip suddenly released, causing her to fall onto the floor.

"Geez, Kaito. What's gotten into you?"

Meiko sighed, her arms strongly gripping Kaito's and holding him back from lashing out. "You know what you said isn't true. Please, you were the one who immediately agreed to saving Miku, all those years ago."

"Meiko... let go of me...!"

"You do realise


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