Arc 9 - Main Universe Ending (848 words)

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I covered my ears, screaming.

'Jump. Jump. End your life!'

"No. Don't jump. Please, I'm here for you."

'Go on. We're all rooting for you to end your misery. Who would want to live on like this?' the deep female voice from months ago whispered to me.

'Yea, can't you hear us? Kaito! Let's play together! Why won't you come join us?' This time, the voices of the pair or twins started chanting together.

"No! Kaito, please! Kaito, please listen to me. Ignore every other voice!"

That was Miku. That was Miku, right...? I couldn't hear... I couldn't hear!

I screamed even louder. The voices filled my head, overwhelming me. Miku was beside me, begging me not to listen to the hallucinations - or whatever they were - but their words just engulfed me entirely.

'Kaito. Kaito, jump. Jump. Remember when you, Gakupo and I did it together? Over the wall? Wasn't it fun? Let's do it again. I miss those times.'

"Meiko, cut it out!" Miku shouted, lunging at my hallucination.


Meiko. That name rings a bell.


Gakupo... Who's that?

Who's that?

I closed my eyes.

Meiko. Gakupo.

I knew the both of their names from somewhere.

But where? And who were they?

And why didn't I remember them?

'Meiko' looked at my direction once more, pushing Miku away. "Kaito. Remember all the fun you, Gakupo and I had? Why can't we relive it?"

Fun... fun...

I haven't had fun in quite a while.

Why not?

Miku's eyes widened. "Kaito - please don't-!"

'Big Brother Kaito!' the two twins began shouting. Big Brother...? When was I ever a big brother? 'Why won't you play with us again? You never play with us anymore... It's so unfair!'

The twins' forms slowly started to manifest themselves more clearly. A pair of blonde twins - one male, one female.

Who were they?

And why did I seem to remember them from somewhere?

"Kaito, stop! Please don't listen to them! Listen to me... please..."

Whose tearful voice was that?

Oh yeah, Miku's.

And yet... Her voice seemed so much more distant than everyone else's.

More people popped up. Girls, boys - all of them I recognised from somewhere, but couldn't remember. The voices grew louder and louder.


Make it stop.



They increased.


Make it stop....

I banged my head against the wall, gritting my teeth. It hurt so much... Why wouldn't they get out of my head?

"Stop! Stop!" I screamed, my eyes squeezed shut. The voices wouldn't die down. I wanted them all to shut up.

They never shut up.

"Kaito! Kaito... Please..." Miku begged. I could feel her grabbing my arm. "Don't listen to them! Listen to me! Don't you ever think about commiting suicide!"

Shut up.

Everybody, shut up.

Jump, they chanted.

Jump. Jump.


That last one made me snap. My eyes opened at full speed and I sprang up, pushing everyone away.

Everybody vanished. Except one figure.

"Kaito. Big brother Kaito."

I whirled around, and suddenly I felt all my panic melt away.

"Big brother Kaito. It's me." The blue haired girl in front of me smiled, her eyes melancholic. "It's been so long."

"K... Kaiko...?" I stammered. "Kaiko... Kaiko. Kaiko!" I lunged forward and embraced her, tears of relief and happiness streaming down my cheeks. She continued smiling, stroking my hair.

"Big brother," she whispered. "It's okay. You don't have to go through this. Just do what you feel is the right choice."

I looked at her, my eyes still watery. "I don't... I don't know what's the correct choice..." I admitted.

"That's okay," she told me, and suddenly a tremendous weight lifted off my shoulders. "Then just join me. Join me and Mom... We can be together again. We've been waiting for you so long... Come with us. If you can't take it anymore, just know that we're here for you."

That snapped it.

I ran to the window and lunged forward, throwing myself out.




It seemed unending. Time started to slow and my body flipped. I saw the sky. I saw my open window. I saw Kaiko's smiling figure, her smile a wistful one.

And then I saw Miku rush to the window, staring down with wide eyes. Her mouth opened in terror and she outstretched her hand. I saw her lips for an "O" shape, but I couldn't hear whether she'd shouted "No" or whether she was speechless.

I flailed and made a wild grab for her hand.

It slipped.

My hand slipped against her unnaturally cold one.

I could see her facial expression morph into an even more horrified one. Her nasal voice filled my ears.

"No! Kaito...!" She screamed, her tears flowing out at full speed. They fell onto me as I continued hurtling to the ground.

Goodbye Miku.

I'll miss you, too.

Just before I hit the ground, she disappeared very suddenly.

I closed my eyes.

If this was how I was meant to end, if this was my fate;

Then I'm glad Miku didn't see me hit the ground.

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