Arc 20 - Chapter 1 (469 words)

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Luka's P.O.V.

Once again, she walks in emotionlessly, slipping through the door gap and wordlessly making her way to her seat. Her hood creates a dark shadow over her face, just like in television programmes, and her beautiful teal hair is hidden from view.

This is my best friend Hatsune Miku, but in all honesty, she seems just like a stranger to me now.

Miku has been my best friend since we entered this school, just a few years ago. I had a low self-esteem then and constantly doubted myself, but it was because of her that I'm in the student council today. She encouraged me and smiled throughout, making me feel at ease whenever my insecurities acted up.

Which is why the new Hatsune Miku is a stranger to me.

Miku always smiled and laughed, and whenever she entered the class she would greet everyone cheerily. Sure, it was awkward for everyone at first, but sooner or later the class got used to it and sometimes... even looked forward to it. Aside from that, Miku made it a point to befriend everyone in class, help everyone whenever she could, and could never stay silent for more than five minutes.

This is not the Miku that befriended me.

This Miku is a loner. Her face perpetually shadowed by a oversized hood, she doesn't smile. She doesn't greet the class. She keeps to herself and barely interacts with anyone, not even me. The only time she opens her mouth to converse is when absolutely necessary.

This Miku's eyes are narrow-slit and never filled with sparkles of excitement. She won't take one glance if a classmate is being ridiculed. She won't blink an eye if someone comes to school with self-induced cuts all over their wrists. She won't even reply if I ask to see her answers so I can compare them with my own - instead, she'll just pass me her book without as much as a sound.

I don't know this Miku.

She was always so full of excitement and generosity, and I guess I could've taken all that for granted. But two days ago, when the mid-year break ended and everyone returned for another semester of school, Miku had changed completely. Her cute, bright-coloured outfits were replaced with simple, dark clothes, and they looked as if they'd been haphazardly, messily thrown into her body without thought. She didn't run around the school excitedly, trying to find me, or Rin and Len. In fact, when I entered the class, I didn't even recognise her at first glance.

She hasn't smiled since last semester. And I still haven't figured out why.

I'm just hoping I'll be able to help her before it's too late. Or maybe it's already too late?

...I just want my Miku back. The one I know.

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