Arc 19 - Childhood Flashback (644 words)

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She held a slightly-crumpled plastic bag in her hand. On it was the faded, "Family Mart" logo.

The little girl looked left, then right, then left again. Her eyes were wide in confusion.

"Where am I? Wasn't I going the right way just now?"

She was answered by the silence of the night. Although there were the occasional sounds of cars passing by, the place was still dead silent. She looked in the distance and could see the city, with bright lights shining from the tall, futuristic buildings, but they couldn't give her any answers either.

"That's weird..." She placed her hands on her hips, scrunching her chubby face and furrowing her brow as she looked around. "I'm pretty sure Mommy said to go right. It's getting cold..."

Once again, she scanned her surroundings. All of a sudden she spotted a silver-haired woman, leaning towards a bush full of flowers. She sprinted with all her speed to the woman.

"Hello, can you please tell me where I am?" 8-year old Miku asked, gazing up at the woman. The woman blinked, before turning behind, as if checking if there were anyone behind her.

After a long pause she opened her mouth. "Are you... talking to me?"

Miku nodded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Who else would I be talking to?"

The woman gasped, before swallowing hard. "You can actually see me?"

At this point, the little girl was beyond confused by the woman's reaction. "Of course I can. Why?"

The silver-haired woman seemed ready to cry. "It's been so long since I could last be seen... since someone last talked to me..."

"What do you mean?" Miku reached out to grab the woman's hand, only for hers to go through the woman's body. "...oh. You're a spirit?"

The woman nodded. "Yes..."

"I'm sorry," the 8-year old girl bowed her head slightly, unsure what she should say. "...what are you doing at the bushes? Can I ask?" She was afraid to offend the woman.

She wasn't insulted in any way, however. Smiling wistfully, she replied, "There were flowers in these bushes. My daughter planted them when she was a child, as part of a school project she and her classmates had. I took care of the flowers after she forgot about them."

Miku stared at the bush. "I don't see any flowers?"

The woman sighed. "They've wilted. I haven't been able to water them for a long time because... y'know, I can't touch things."

Miku gazed sadly at the bush. It seemed so dull with no flowers. Suddenly she'd forgotten about her plight and how lost she was. Instead she was determined to help this friendly, sad spirit she'd met.

"What if I come back tomorrow to water them?"

The woman perked up. "What?" Her eyes were wide in surprise.

"I think I have a watering pot at home. And... and, I think the convenience store sells flower seeds too. Can I plant them?"

The woman's face was painted with an expression of extreme disbelief - and underneath that, even young Miku could see elation. "Really? Will you really do that?"

"If you're waiting here tomorrow, why not?"

The solution to everything was so clear and obvious to the child. The woman looked so joyful and she reached out to clasp Miku's hands in hers - although of course, they went through each other.

"What's your name?" Miku asked, a bright smile on her face. "My name's Miku."

"My name was Yukari." The woman exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. "Yuzuki Yukari."

Miku appeared the next day with seeds and a watering pot in her hands.

And after that, throughout the years she would consistently appear, watering the flowers and making the bush as beautiful as Yukari had described.

That was the first ghost Miku ever built a friendship with.

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