Arc 7 - One-Word Plots

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A game my brother and I played. You're given a word and a character, and have to develop an entire plot on it. No intention to even write any, but it's a fun game you guys should try.


Player: Tsubasa
Fandom Given: Vocaloid
Prompt: Arthritis
Characters Given: Leon, Kaito and Len

Plot: AU where Arthritis is a sign that exactly twelve years in the future, you will die by withering away. One day, Leon realises that he has Arthritis, and he's had it for 11 years and 11 months. His best friends Kaito and Len panic and try all means to save him. When  it's the 29th day and they still can't, they attempt to transplant their own healthy cartilages to Leon. However, in the process they end up suturing their own cartilages, dying. Leon cries and tries to wake them up but the seconds tick by and he starts to lose his energy. They die.


Player: Ren
Fandom Given: Vocaloid
Prompt: Existence
Characters Given: Kaito, Luka and Miku

Plot: Miku is the tyrannical queen of a country <like Rin in Daughter of Evil> and Kaito and Luka are her servants <like Len in Servant of Evil>. Some time along the way, Kaito and Luka fall in love, but Miku doesn't like it and wants to erase their existence. Kaito and Luka flee from the castle, desperate to escape from Miku's lunacy. However, Kaito soon finds out - the one he fell in love in wasn't Luka. It was Miku.

<Why does this feel like Servant of Evil> Luka and Miku were actually twins, but Miku was the older one and the next in line for the throne. However, Miku didn't want to take over the duties of a queen and the two siblings decided to swap roles by changing their hair colour and personalities. Luka is the tyrannical one on the throne, trying to kill the two she grew up with.

Kaito kills Miku impulsively, still under the impression that she's the bad one. Luka finds Kaito. Luka kills Kaito. Bad end.


some basic planning was done for the next prompt.

Player: Tsubasa
Fandom Given: Vocaloid
Prompt: Schizophrenia
3 Characters Given: Sweet Ann, Otomachi Una and Namine Ritsu (UTAUloid)
External Characters used: Big Al, Oliver

Plot: Ann is an opera singer. One day, both her husband Al and her son Oliver (OLLIEEEEE) dies, leaving her depressed, traumatised, and above all lonely. One day, after a performance, she heads backstage and comes across two very odd children - a 11y/o girl with a talking jellyfish hat and a 6y/o crossdressing boy with cannons in his waist. They become friends and soon have an influence over Ann, and in the end they manage to convince her to shoot down and blow up the opera stadium like <Rin and Len do in the song World Domination How-To>

Serious Story Summary: After the deaths of her husband Al and her son Oliver, opera singer Ann finds little meaning in life. The once joyful and bubbly version of her has vanished completely, leaving a soulless performer who lives wishing that it would be her last day. She barely interacts with anyone at all, and slowly she starts to lose everyone she knows. One day, after another emotionless performance, Ann heads backstage, only to come across two very odd children - an eleven-year old girl with a talking jellyfish hat and a six-year old crossdressing boy. They're the only two people who manage to get her to open up and the three of them become friends despite their age barrier - but then again, age is never a barrier if you don't exist.

Prologue: Al, Ann and Oliver are coming home after a trip. Oliver is carrying the birdcage of his new pet James, that's inside the cage. Oliver trips and the cage opens, causing James to fly out in shock and then try to escape. Desperately, Oliver chases after his bird and soon runs onto the road without realizing it. Al notices a huge truck coming Oliver's direction and leaps forward in an attempt to push Oliver out of the way, but both end up getting hit and dying.

Chapter 1 - Ann after the entire ordeal. Months after the death of her family members, she's become one of the coldest people. She barely interacts with anyone and the only time she opens her mouth is when she sings on stage. Other than that, she stays as a loner and refuses to talk. Soon, the people around her start to drift away and she completely isolates herself.

Chapter 2 - Ann is packing up and heading home one day when she hears a sound backstage. She goes over to check but doesn't find anyone, so she shrugs it off as her imagination and goes back home. The next day, unfinished

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