Arc 22 - Accidents (KaiMei) (unfinished)

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plot: Kaito is a victim of spinal cord injury and Meiko is his locomotive therapist

Kaimei fans take it away

Warnings: Blood, injuries, car accident, vivid description of inflicted wounds


It happened so fast in front of her eyes that she'd probably have missed it if she blinked. The car in front of her flipped over - there was a screeching of brakes and then the whole thing just slammed into the ground with a ear-grating crash, its metal sinking deeper in.

Even she was at a loss of actions for those few seconds - everyone else around was stunned, too. Then she spotted a figure inside the car, and her instincts ran wild. She sprinted over and kneeled down beside the driver's door - the windows were smashed into lethally small and sharp pieces.

Through the gaps of the broken glass she saw a blue-haired man around her age, covered in shattered glass, groaning in pain. His eyes were squeezed shut in agony and he hadn't seemed to notice her.

"Someone call an ambulance...!" She shouted to the other passersby, before once again focusing her attention on the man. "H-hey!" she called out, reaching out and tapping him on the shoulder. "I'm here to help you. Say something-!"

He flinched but opened his eyes slightly. Gasping for air, he croaked, "Don't touch me... it hurts..."

Retracting her hand immediately, she was about to speak when an acrid, burning smell wafted into a nostrils. Instinctively she turned to the source - the back of the car had started to go up in flames.

"The car's on fire. I have to get you out now," she told him, leaning into the car before he could object. She finally saw his wounds - his shirt was stained a dark maroon red, dripping and soggy, and there were cuts all over his limbs. She secured her arms around his chest, only for him to begin crying out in pain.

"Don't... stop, please, I-!" He suddenly broke into a coughing fit, which ended up exacerbating his agony.

Even with all her strength, his body wouldn't budge - it was stuck. His seatbelt was doing a good job holding him in place, except this time it was working against him.

"Look, you need to get out. The car's in flames. I can't reach your seatbelt - you have to undo it yourself!" She exclaimed. He gritted his teeth, his eyes unfocused as he glanced across his surroundings and tried to locate his buckle.

"Shit..." He whispered fervently, cursing repeatedly and blindly reaching down in hopes to press on the correct item. After what seemed like years there was a click and the seatbelt came loose, retracting into its storage compartment - sliding against his wounds as it did so. Once again he howled.

Seizing the opportunity, she pulled him out as swiftly but gently as she could, before laying him on the pavement just a metre away. Using her bag as a pillow to elevate his head, she scanned her gaze upon the gorey wounds all over him. There was a piece of metal embedded into his abdomen. Having reached for the spare bandages in her bag beforehand, she lifted his shirt and began bandaging his wounds around the metal.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

He nodded slightly, barely able to look at her.

"The ambulance will arrive soon, okay? Help will be on the way. Just don't fall asleep, got that?" She said, before turning back to his wounds.

Feeling a weak tug at her shirt, she looked up again and saw his agonized face, his lip bleeding from biting too hard and trying to stop himself from screaming out. "Am I going to die?" He managed.

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