Arc 4 - Re;Birthday

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A Rin and Len story I tried writing. Not a ship, but it's pretty sad. Ending was supposed to be like Kagerou Days - Rin gives her life for Len, instead of the initial Len giving his for hers.

WARNINGS: Death, sacrifice, angst

Summary: Rin accidentally reads her the diary of her mother IA and everything about the entries inside make no sense. Who is this "Len" boy and why does her mother talk about him as if they are related? Furthermore, why are there entries about time travel in the diary?


Chapter 1 - Talk about "Aunt Lily" (oh god I can't believe I just wrote that). End with Rin absentmindedly finding a book on the dining table and opening it to see whose it is, only to read about a boy named Len whom she doesn't know.

Chapter 2 - More about the entries. After that, Rin puts the book down, confused. She goes back to her room and tries to process what she just read, and falls asleep.

Chapter 3 - Rin dreams herself in a hospital ward. She doesn't recognise the place, and she wanders around until she spots what looks like the younger versions of her parents. Her mother is holding a blonde child in her arms - her. Just then, another child is born at the other side of the room. It's a blonde boy. As the nurse picks him up and then proceeds to walk out, she suddenly trips over nothing and both crash onto the floor, hitting against a hard cabinet. Everything becomes a bloody mess and both the nurse and the newborn dies. Just as Rin feels herself waking up, she catches a glimpse of the mother whose child died - wait, isn't that Aunt Lily?

Chapter 4 - Rin wakes up, panting. After recovering from shock, she gets out of bed to make breakfast. While eating, she decides to ask her mother why Aunt Lily always looks sad and moody. After brief hesitation, IA replies that Aunt Lily had a child when she was younger, but the nurse carrying the child tripped and both of them died. Rin's eyes widen, the scene from her dream replaying in her mind. But was that really a dream?

Chapter 5 - IA goes out to buy dinner. In a desperate search for answers, Rin goes to IA's room and reads more excerpts from her diary. All she picks up are something along the lines of "I can't believe I helped Len in that" and "I'm so sorry, Lily-chan". Before she can read more, IA comes back. Dinnertime is awkward for Rin and she immediately heads to bed afterwards, hoping that another dream may solve her questions.

Chapter 6 - In her dreams, Rin witnesses the same scene again, but in clearer detail. But as the nurse picks the child up, Rin spots a figure fade into the picture. As the nurse turns, the figure sticks out his leg and trips the nurse, causing the nurse to fall and killing both the nurse and child. Rin can't move from where she is but as the scene plays out again, Rin looks at the figure and for a second, she sees a blonde boy smiling at her before he fades away. Rin jolts awake.

Chapter 7 - After school the next day, Rin rushes home and, since IA is still at work, she reads her diary. From the confusing entries and excerpts she gathers, Rin pieces together a story and deduces that somehow, in one way or another, time travel is real and that her mother can travel through time. This "Len" boy, her non-existent cousin, persuaded IA to send him back in time so he could erase his own existence. Rin goes back to her room, wondering if time travel is hereditary. After dinner, she locks her room door and stands in the middle, before closing her eyes and hoping to be sent through time. After half an hour, nothing happens. Sighing, she turns to the door and opens it, before stepping out - except instead of the hallway, she finds herself in the ward again.

Chapter 8 - Rin sees the same scene for the third time in a row. This time, she finds herself able to move, although it hurts her physically and wears her out. She manages to get to the other side of the room in time and reaches out to stop the figure. He turns around and looks at her in surprise. However, as she tries to pull him away, her actions jerk and she falls on him, causing both of them to topple on the nurse, killing the nurse and baby again.

Chapter 9 - Rin wakes up and finds herself sprawled on the room floor, the same way that she ended up when she fell. Every part of her is exhausted and she's unable to pay any attention. Coming home with a load of homework, she attempts to do them but can't. Standing up, she walks to the door to open it again, but she doesn't travel through time. She tries it twice more but nothing happens. Disappointed, she walks out of her room for a drink, only to see her mother staring at her oddly.

Chapter 10 - Rin goes to bed again, but this time wearing socks. Instantly going to the scene again, the socks prevent her feet from freezing because of the cold floor. Rushing to the boy, she grabs his hand and pulls him away. This time, the child and nurse gets saved. Rin pulls him out of the door, but can't help noticing that the 25-year old IA is staring straight at them. Out in the hallway, the boy snatches his hand away and yells at her. He knows her name too. Rin winces and then screams back that she wants to save him. He growls and mutters that he's not worth saving, surprising Rin. He then rushes to the nurse and trips her again.

Chapter 11 - Rin returns to the present in bed again, to her alarm ringing. Muttering under her breath, she gets up and goes to school. The fatigue of two night's insomnia overwhelms her and when she gets to school, she gets reprimanded for forgetting her homework and for falling asleep in class. However, after her teacher Ms Haku sees her pale face and huge eyebags, she sends Rin to the infirmary instead. Rin asks to go home and IA comes to pick her up. On the way home, so tired that she doesn't think, Rin asks IA about Len. IA freezes and doesn't say a word for the entire trip back.

Chapter 12 - After heading home, Rin changes and falls asleep immediately after. She finally managed to sleep and rests until dinnertime. IA brings their food to her room instead of calling her down and decides to explain everything. Len was actually Rin's cousin and the son of Lily, but his life was turned upside down and he believed that everything was because of him and his existence. He believes that the fact that his father died was because of his carelessness, and he believes that everyone in school hates him. When Rin from the original timeline started hanging out with him in school, she got shunned by many. Guilty, Len begged IA to send him back in time so that he could erase his existence from the start. After months of persuading, IA finally gave in after both Rin and Len return home one day, beaten up.

Chapter 13 - Rin goes back to bed in a daze. Lying down, she wills herself to go back in time again, this time without closing her eyes. She finds herself transported back to the scene and this time, she manages to pull Len out of the hospital, avoiding all previous mistakes. Finally, outside the hospital gates, Len snaps and screams at her. Rin tries to explain that his death didn't help at all, causing him to pause and listen to her. After Rin explains her timeline, Len sinks down in defeat and begins punching himself. Everything he'd done was in vain. Rin tells him that the original timeline was good enough but he ignores her, before grabbing her shoulders and begging her to send him to the day that he "killed" his father. Surprised, Rin stammers that she doesn't actually know how to control her powers yet, causing him to groan and release her.

Chapter 14 - unfinished planning

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