Arc 17 - kaimei fic im not working on

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Kaito x Meiko because why not
Mainly platonic friendship because whenever I write romance I automatically write death
Based around music and bands because what else do I base my stories off
I'm bored of their usual personalities I write them with so let's switch them up
I love Miku too so let's add her at some point of time
Bands are cool hey let's add a whole band
Let's make them pop stars
Let's kill Miku off
Let's make the story depressing af
Ok but what if they revive Miku somehow with technology

lmao jkjk nvm ignore what's on top let's throw that away ↓↓

Summary: Having transferred schools, Kaito finds himself seated right next to a girl referred to by everyone as the "blind and mute girl". Someone who won't talk to him, look at him or even acknowledge his existence - Kaito accidentally believes she's really blind and mute, too.
But she's far from that. He may have just been seated beside the most talented girl he'd ever met.
Someone with all the best smarts, physique, abilities and guts - and someone who knows how to unlock his heart, too.

Kaito (age 15)
  - curious boy
  - thinks a lot
  - pensive thinking
  - plays the guitar and keyboard
  - changes schools due to father's job
  - good at most subjects but math
  - tries to befriend Meiko

Meiko (age 15)
  - silent af
  - has grey eyes which people make fun and say she's blind
  - uninterested and unaffected by shit going on around her
  - doesn't talk to people
  - antisocial
  - serious af
  - people don't even know much about her
  - smart af
  - talented af
  - plays every thing. can sing. can dance. good at sports. good at academics. good at art. good at all types of video games (rhythm, action, etc). a literal god.


"Hi everyone. My name's Kaito, and I'll be joining you guys from today."

A few simple lines like that was all he intended to introduce himself with - and it was exactly what he did too.

He scanned his new classmates. None of them reminded him of his previous ones. He briefly ran his gaze over the boys and somehow he felt none of them would match up to his long-time best friend, Len.

He wondered what Len was doing. Alone at school, back in Yokohama.

Then he shook his head and smiled at his new class.

"Please have a seat, Kaito," the teacher spoke, before turning to look at the class. There was only one empty seat, and it was at the back. "Are you alright with that seat?"

He glanced over - the seat was beside a brown-haired girl, who wasn't even looking up.

"Sure," he nodded and began making his way towards the desk. His sharp ears picked up whispers as he travelled down.

"Hey, he's gonna be beside the blind and mute girl. Poor kid."

"Should we warn him?"

"He'll probably figure out himself."

Perplexed, he kept his straight face and sat down, placing his bag at the side of the table. The lesson started, and, for the most part, was uneventful.

After the first lesson ended and the teacher left, and the class began to chatter. Kaito shot a glance over to his deskmate. She was once again looking down at a notebook, absorbed in whatever she was doing.

"Hey," he tapped her on her shoulder. "Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

She didn't react. She merely continued writing.

"Um..." Confused, Kaito coughed, before repeating himself. "Uh, what's your name?"

She shot him a side-eyed glance, before looking back down. The pupils in her eyes were grey, and although he wouldn't admit it, it was so rare and unique that he might have really believed she was blind - especially considering her refusal to look at anyone.

"Hey, new kid, don't even bother," someone in front of him turned around and called out. "She won't talk. You don't need to care."

"Why won't she talk?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. The person shrugged.

"She's a weirdo like that. If you look at her she'll kill you with her glare."


Kaimei fans. I love you so please take this fanfiction idea for me and actually write it to its potential

Wanted Kaito to help Meiko break out of her shell

Wanted Meiko to help Kaito find his talent

Both of them form a two-person band and show the rest "hah y'all suck you bullied meiko guess what you're no match for her"

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