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Third person's POV

Someone knocked on the door of the first daughter of President Kim Jong Un. She quickly opened it and saw their maid.

"Your Father wants to see you in his office" she said and vowed

"Can I not go?" she asked

"It's the President Kim Jong Un's order. You have to be there." she answered and vowed once again, and walked away

She closed the door and went back to her bed. She fixed her hair and change her clothes as fast as she can. She came out of her room and walked to the office of her Father.

She's walking confidently, heads up, her eyes is looking straight. Everyone in the house is vowing as soon as they saw the first daughter. She arrived in front of the office.

She's hesitating to enter. She knew what will her Father will tell her. She knew why he wants to see her. It's her birthday the other day and it's already time for her. She entered the office and vowed to the President of North Korea.

President Kim Jong Un...

"Finally, my first daughter. A very late greeting for your 20th birthday. Happy birthday, Kim Jina" President Kim Jong Un greeted his daughter

Jina vowed at her Father "Good morning, Father. The maid said you want to see me?"

"Yes, sit down" President Kim Jong Un ordered the teenager

She sat on the couch. The door suddenly opened and it showed her Mother, Ri Sol Ju and her younger sister, Kim Ju Ae.

"Good morning!" Kim Ju Ae greeted as she entered and quickly ran to her sister "Happy birthday!" she greeted her for a thousand times since yesterday

Finally, the non-expression face of Jina changed when she saw her younger sister, Kim Ju Ae. The only reason why she chose to stay in the place where she's at.

"You've been greeting me since yesterday. Thank you" she smiled at the child

"Welcome!" Kim Ju Ae smiled and sat beside her sister

"She even prepared a gift for you. You should check it out later" Ri Sol Ju told her daughter

Jina smiled and nodded.

"So, let me continue what I want to say" President Kim Jong Un said as he looked at Jina "You are 20 now. I guess it's time for you to get ready"

"Get ready for what?" Kim Ju Ae asked her sister

"Kim Ju Ae" Ri Sol Ju called her name and that made Ju Ae quiet

"Anytime soon, I will quit and you need to take over my place. You are the first daughter and I think you are better to be here than anyone" President Kim Jong Un smiled as she told those words to his daughter

"Shouldn't it be Kim Han Sol-" Jina stopped talking as she heard her Father sigh "I apologize"

"I guess you don't have the interest to be the President but I know you are not ready yet. You don't have to worry. I will keep this place until you are ready" President Kim Jong Un

"There are many candidates, why me?" Jina gathered her strengths and looked at her Father

"You are my daughter" President Kim Jong Un said as he emphasized the word MY and DAUGHTER

(FACT :There's a rumor that Ri Sol Ju have two sons the first one was born 2010, then the youngest was 2017. Kim Jina is not real, she's just a fiction character that I made. Kim Ju Ae was born 2013, she's the middle child. ANOTHER FACT : Kim Family's house is located at Pyongyang City in North Korea.)

"Sir, the car is ready" one of the personal assitant of President Kim Jong Un said

"We need to go" President Kim Jong Un said and left the room

Jina vowed to her Mother and sister "I'll be right back"

"Where are you going?" Kim Ju Ae asked

"I'm going to meet the President of South Korea" she said that made the child smiled

"Are we going to reuni-" Ju Ae didn't continued what she was saying because Jina covered her mouth

"Be careful. I'll be right back. I'll check your gift later" Jina smiled and hugged her younger sister "I'm going to leave now" she told her Mom

Ri Sol Ju smiled at her daughter.

Jina left the house as fast as she can, she knows what will it be to make the President Kim Jong Un wait, even if she's the daughter. As she came out of the house, she quickly entered the car. The driver started driving to the demiliatarized zone where they will meet the President of South Korea.

"You will never mention the son of Kim Jong Nam, ever again. You will forget anyone. You are the soon to be President of North Korea. The end" President Kim Jong Un said and became quiet

Jina became quiet as well. She never wanted or hoped to be the President of her own country. This is not what she expected it to be. She just wants to leave a normal life with her Family. Not to be looked up by the people of North Korea. She hates it. She hates it when everyone in this country is being treated different according to their rank or class.

She looked at the window of the car trying to calm herself. She never even wanted to breath the same air with her Father. The one she hates the most.

The guy that broke the promise they made back then.

Her own Father...


I apologize for this messy chapter I made. Let me know if you have any concerns hehe. I will be updating one chapter every day. I am not sure if I can update on August 28 that's the start of my online class but I will try :)

Have a good night, ya'll!

Spread peace and love!!!❤️

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