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Jeongin's POV

I woke up when I heard my phone rang...

Uncle Jae In calling...


[Yang Jeongin, you didn't answered our calls and messages last night. We were so worried about you. Your Aunt kept whining and telling me to call you and don't stop if you won't answer. What happened?]

"I just forgot to charge my phone. I'm sorry for making you two worried"

[You mean your phone was off last night? Don't lie to me. Your phone is ringing. Are you okay? Is it about Jina? Hmm?]

"Something like that. I-I was just not in my right mind last night"

[Yang Jeongin, don't lose hope. I know one day you two will see each other again. Maybe this time isn't the right time for you two. I am also rooting for you two and I want you to end up with her. I know you'll be the happiest if you will end up with her]

"I will be really happy if that happens"

[Fix yourself and you'll be late. For now, you have to focus on your study and self. Show her Father that you can do everything. I trust in you. No matter what your decision is, I will support you, Jeongin]

"Thank you, Uncle. I need to go now. I'll be late" I ended the call and turned off my phone

I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I prepared myself and left the condominium. I drove to the University as fast as I can.

It's true that my phone was fine last night. I'm just losing my mind and I don't want to talk to anyone. I ignored them. I want time for myself to think and calm. I should trust Jina's words. I know it's impossible that we will meet again but still...

I'm hoping.

I parked the car and entered the building. I went to our classroom and saw my friends. Our classmates weren't there. It's just my friends who were there.

"What took you so long?" Changbin asked me

"I overslept. Do we have plans today?"

"No but if you want, we can plan. Our first subject teacher announced that hte rest of the teachers are in a meeting. That means we're free until later. What should we do?" Chan

"We can go to a bar or something like a place for having fun-" I stopped talking when I saw Minho looking at me "What?"

"Are you okay?" Minho asked

I nodded "I am fine"

"You ignored our messages and calls last night. We were so worried about you. We even called Lian to go look for you but she said the door is locked. You even changed the passcode" Hyunjin

"I was just sleeping. I am so tired and didn't had the chance to rest"

"Where did you drove her yesterday? I mean what airport?" Felix


"Liar. We checked all the available flights to states but there's none. You are lying" Jisung

"A private one"

Everyone became quiet. No one dared to talk. Is it just me? or there's something going on that I don't know?

"I miss Jina so much" Lian pouted

I do miss her too.

It was so hard for me last night. I kept looking at her room last night hoping that she's sleeping only. I even cooked two meals last night but I remember, she's not with me. Now, tell me how to start again? This is the reason why I never wanted to be involved with anyone.

"She's not from states. Am I right?" Seungmin asked

I chuckled "Then, where is she from? If she's not from states, where?"

"Yang Jeongin, stop lying. We already knew about it" Changbin asked

"Her accent is the very first one we noticed. There's things that she doesn't know from states. She's from North Korea" Chan said

I looked at Minho and Lian but they kept shaking their head, signaling me that they didn't say anything about Jina.

"Actually, when we're at the han river. She kept mentioning places that's not in states. She kept giving me hints, like it's impossible to go there since the President is pretty strict. The places and provinces. The rules, there's no strict rules from states unlike North Korea. That's when I knew. She's obviously not from states but from North Korea" Hyunjin

"Now, are you still going to deny it?" Jisung

"We're your friends. If you want to keep it as a secret then we will. We respect you wnd your decision. We just want to know how the hell did you met that girl from North Korea? And where the hell is she now?" Felix asked


"Are you going to tell them?" Lian asked

"She's not my girlfriend, she's not from states and she's from North Korea. It may be hard to believe it but she went back to North Korea"

"On her own will? Or someone forced her?" Chan

"She only has four days to stay here in South Korea to have her vacation. I did everything for her to be happy and experienced things she never exprienced before and will never again. Actually, Minho and Lian found out about it by accident. So, I just told them the truth about her. They accepted her and kept it as a secret because that's what President Moon wants"

"President Moon? Is she close to your Uncle?" Changbin

"You may not believe it but please don't tell anyone about this"

They all nodded and kept their silence.

"She's President Kim's eldest daughter"

The Border Between Us | Yang Jeongin |Where stories live. Discover now