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Third person's POV

Jina started crying as she confessed the truth to Han-gyeol. The feeling of being guilty...

"Jina" he whispered

"I-I am sorry. I never wanted to do that.  I-I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have done that. I don't have any choice. I was so desperate to free everyone from his chains. I-I am sorry" she whispered as she controlled her tears to fall. She's scared that Jeongin might get worried of her.

Han-gyeol sighed "Everyone in the mansion know it was you. You were the last person that went inside his office. Your Mother and Sister were both safe. Jina..."

Jina closed her eyes as she looked on the ground "W-What did M-Mother told you?"

"She was shocked when she saw the body. Actually, she was the first person to see President Kim's dead body. She called me and she started crying.  She knew it was you. She knew you did it. I'm not gonna force you to go back but you have to. Your Mother is worried and she has a lot of questions to ask-" Han-gyeol

"D-Do you think she's mad?" Jina asked

Han-gyeol shook his head "I-I don't know but I am sure she is worried of you"

Jina's tears continued falling as she thought of her Mother and Sister. Are they mad? Are they regretting that Jina is related to them? A lot of questions kept going through her mind but one thing made her calm. They are safe. 

"That day, you ran away with the nephew of President Moon, right? What was the reason?" Han-gyeol

Jina sighed "I-I know I'm getting punished for what I did. I never regretted anything I did that night. I got scared when I thought of my Mother and Sister. W-What if they will be executed because of me? A lot of questions kept appearing through my mind. I'm a mess. E-Everything stopped when I saw Jeongin. I-I finally decided to spend my remaining days with him"

"J-Jeongin might be involved" Han-gyeol

Jina shook her head "I'll go with you all. Don't let them do anything to Jeongin. I-I will just wait for him to leave. I want to watch him walk away from me before I go to the mansion. I won't do anything just let him leave safely"

"Do you love him that much? Does he know anything about what happened? Is he aware?" Han-gyeol

"I-I can't tell him. It'll give me a hard time to make him leave. I-I want him to know that I am fine. I don't want him to worry" Jina

Han-gyeol nodded "I will talk to them to wait for Jeongin to leave before they take an action"

"T-Thank you. J-Just wait for us.  We will be going with you" Jina said

Han-gyeol vowed to Jina "We will wait outside the village" he said as he walked away from Jina

It's also hard for him to know that this day will come. The day that he will be arresting the girl he likes for a long time. The girl he is supporting all his life. He started crying as he came out of her house. His heart is broken knowing that Jina will be executed. He'd rather watch her be with someone else than leave this world. 


Jina went inside the house. She wants to cry and scream so loud but she can't. She went inside her room and sat on her bed.

Her hand is trembling as she took out the gun from her drawer "K-Kim Jina, how can you be so stupid?" she whispered as she pointed the gun on her head, she looked at herself in the mirror.

She's expecting this to happen. She is expecting that she will be executed. She tried so hard to stop herself from falling for Jeongin within 4 days only. She didn't expect Jeongin to make her change her mind. She doesn't want to die anymore and live with him.


She can't choose her own happiness over others' safety.

She's stuck between choosing herself or others...

How can that be so hard?

She was so young when everyone depended on her. They are all hoping for freedom from Jina. How can she give them that now? She will executed.

She closed her eyes as she stood up and went outside her room. She's crying so hard.

"Jina?" Jeongin called as he got out of the kitche

Jina didn't answer and pointed the gun at Jeongin.

He was shocked but he remained calm. He doesn't know if she's joking around but he is scared not for his life but for her.

"You can't pull the trigger" Jeongin

"I can" Jina smirked

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Why the hell are you holding a gun?!" he shouted

She looked at his eyes.

"I-Is it because I didn't tell you about your Mother? Y-You're not her real daughter" Jeongin asked

"I-I already knew t-that" she whispered

Jeongin stayed quiet and watch her cry. He is worried and he feel bad for her.

"Pull the trigger" he said

Jina's eyes widened.

"If that will make you feel better, pull the trigger. You can shot me. It doesn't matter. I want you to feel better" Jeongin smiled at her

There, she finally found herself. Jina dropped the gun and ran towards Jeongin.

She hugged him tightly "I-I'm scared"

"Don't be. I am always here. I promise" he whispered and hugged her tightly

The Border Between Us | Yang Jeongin |Where stories live. Discover now