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Third person's POV

Jina smiled and chuckled as she heard those words from Jeongin which she never really expected "Are you confessing your feelings to me?"

"If that's what you think, then yes" Jeongin winked

Jina nodded "Okay, to be honest, I don't know what will be my reaction. Actually, Lian already told me about it. That's why I'm not surprised anymore. I am completely aware of your feelings for me but I didn't know you were this serious"

"And you think I'm playing around? Dream on. This is the first time I confessed my feelings in a romantic way-" Jeongin

"Should I be honored and grateful that you made an effort for me?" she chuckled as she took a sip of the juice in front of her

Jeongin sighed "I'm not waiting for your answer or what. I really just want to tell you about my feelings"

"I already knew it, I told you but it's still different. I mean when I heard it from Lian, I didn't feel anything but now I heard it from you..." Jina said as she looked at Jeongin

"You feel what?" he asked

"I feel happy" Jina

"I'm glad. Anyways, this romantic dinner setup, I really planned to do this. You know, I'm not good at making material effort but I'm good at this kind of efforts" Jeongin

"Jeongin" she called as she looked at his eyes "I seriously want to thank you for this. I never expected anything like this to happen in my life. You know, I'm from North Korea and that place is like a hell for me. I didn't even know that this kind of surprises exist for lovers who weren't married yet. In my country, there's no romance. I grew up not knowing anything about a partner's love, it's always my Mother's and sister's love. Now, I'm starting to believe in love with your partner. My Mother and Father's marriage was fixed. They both didn't want it but they have to. I guess I'll have to do it next for the next President which is my child. Now, I will probably find the love and spark before I get married"

"It's not always spark and love. It's love, care, understanding and trust. Those four are the important things for a couple who wants to get married. For me, I believe that a person who is with you through ups and downs, obstacles, hardships, problems, struggles, name it. That person who stayed with you throughout your journey, is the perfect partner for you" he smiled

"Ah, the partner who's with you throughout those struggles" Jina smiled and nodded "I see, you want someone who will stay at your worst"

"Of course, let me ask you one thing" Jeongin said

She nodded and continued eating "Sure"

"Can you promise that we will see each other again?" Jeongin

Jina nodded "We will, I promise"

"Are you willing to stay with me through good times and bad times? Are you okay if I'm the President Moon's nephew? And you are the President Kim's daughter? Can you promise that you won't meet anyone other than me? Because if you will promise that you will stay loyal. I won't get tired of waiting for you" Jeongin

Her heart started beating fast this time. She doesn't know why and she knows that she doesn't have the same feelings for Jeongin but- How can he do that to her? It's not hard to fall in love with Jeongin since he is the perfect example of any girls' ideal type. He is just so perfect plus his beautiful face and kindness. A typical boyfriend indeed.

She nodded "Y-Yes, Yes" she repeated. Although she doesn't have the same feelings but deep in her heart. She knows she doesn't want Jeongin to go and be in love with someone else. You can call her selfish but she really loves the feeling that Jeongin is ready to do those things for her.

"Can you stand up? I have a little surprise for you" Jeongin said and guided her to the rail. They are both now standing near the rail while watching beautiful night city lights.

"Why?" Jina asked and looked around, she thought something will surprise her at the back but there's none.

Jeongin looked at her eyes "This is the highlight part of the surprise I made for you tonight. This is the one that made me so busy today"

"What is it?" Jina asked

"You said back then, you've been wanting to see fireworks in person. You just see them on television-" Jeongin

"W-We will watch fireworks?! No way. That's impossible. I saw the schedule of fireworks and it's not even scheduled this month. There's no way-" Jina

"If I want to, I can. If I have to, I will. I know this is so hard and made me really tired earlier. I talked to the head of fireworks about this and paid them for tonight. If it will make you happy, I will do it" he smiled widely showing his dimple on both sides, he looked st his wristwatch "Now, watch. It'll start in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Jina smiled as she watched the fireworks play in person. It's so colorful and so beautiful. She never expected that she'll be able to watch fireworks tonight.

"You are from North Korea and I am from South Korea. We both know that it'll be hard for us to see each other again but nothing can't stop me..." he said as she looked at her eyes and smiled "...not even the border between us"

The Border Between Us | Yang Jeongin |Where stories live. Discover now