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Hyunjin's POV

We arrived at the mall. I parked the car at the side and we all entered. There's a lot of people because it's weekends. They are probably having fun and getting out of their stress life.

"Where should we eat?" Felix asked

"I think the same restaurant will be better" Lian answered

"Yup, let's go there"

The four of us went to the restaurant where Minho, Chan, Changbin, Jeongin, Felix, Seungmin, Jisung, Lian and I always eat ever since we're in junior high school. We entered and saw some familiar faces who are working here ever since.

"Hi, Hyunjin. It's been a long time!" one of the waiter greeted

"Hello, this is Jina, Jeongin's girlfriend"

He looked at me like a lot of questions are going through his mind "Ah, nice meeting you, Jina. I'm Luke, one of the closest workers to Hyunjin and his friends"

"Hi" Jina greeted

"Oh, Luke!" Lian called

"You look gorgeous! It's been two months since you last ate here" Luke pouted

Luke is the same ages as us and has the biggest crush on Lian. Everyone knows about it except Lian who's really clueless and has a crush on Changbin.

"Go and find seats. I'll just help the others with the orders and I'll go to your table" Luke said and went to the counter

The four of us sat near the door of the restaurant. This is our seat always and will never eat if this part is not available.

"What's your order?" I asked Jina

"You can choose what you think is the best food here" Jina

"Order for us" I gave Felix the menu card

Felix and Lian ordered the food for us. They are ordering anything they want, this is the first time Jeongin gave us his card.

Jeongin told me to take care of Jina today and don't let Jina go near Felix. You all are probably wondering why Felix is with us today when we can choose Changbin, Chan, Minho, Jisung or Seungmin. The answer is, he doesn't know anything about surprises... He is the perfect example of a guy who can flirt but can't do small efforts. He never tried to do an effort for all the girls he dated or flirted. Why? He said they are not worth it and he knows that they are not really into him. He said if the girl who is meant for her came to his life, he will probably give up everything for her.

The food arrived and we all started eating, Jina kept trying the foods we are all recommending her to taste. She kept giving us satisfied expression and will smile after. We ordered desserts, still using Jeongin's card. We spent our two hours eating only.

After eating, we left the mall and got in the car. I started driving to the University like what we planned earlier. We will give Jina a tour, aside from that Felix and Lian will sign up for the upcoming exam for college students next year. We arrived at the place and entered the University.

"Hyunjin will give you the best school tour while me and Lian will sign up for the exam" Felix said

Jina nodded at them "Yeah, sure"

"We'll be back" Lian smiled at Jina

"So, shall we start Hyunjin's school tour?"

Jina smiled "Yeah"

"Okay, so this is the ground floor..." I started giving her a tour for the ground floor where the registrar area, lobby/waiting area, the canteen and guidance office are. I also explained to her how to get to back part of the school where the gym, covered court and swimming pool are. Next, we went to the second floor, this is where the classrooms will start for 1st year senior high students are, the third floor is for the 2nd year students like us. Then, the fourth floor is where the rooftop and other rooms like baking, computer lab, library, science lab, painting room, dance and music room and more...

There's two levels on every building. The college studengs also have their own kind of buildings. Ours were called Sun building while Moon building is for college students. There's also a building for teachers' faculty rooms, for principal office and more. Every building has their own guidance counselor and locker room. We also have schedules for using the pool, gym and covered court, not all can use it. Some varsities needs to use it regularly but we ordinary students also needs to use those.

"Ah, this is pretty big. No wonder rich students-" Jina

"Nope, not all rich students are the only ones allowed here. There are also scholars here, that's why I admire them for keeping their high grades"

Jina sat on the stone "What is this place?"

"This is the relax place I think? No one knows the name but yeah, we call is relax place. Aside from the fresh air, grass, trees, the tables and bench are all made of woods and stones. We can also sleep under the tree when we want to rest but be careful not to get caught"

"Are you and Jeongin friends for a long time?" Jina

I nodded "Yeah, he hates girls, he never thought of dating anyone..He never wants to disappoint his Uncle that's why I was shocked to know that he is dating you. Anyways, everyone can change their mind when they are in love"

"I agree. I do have a friend and she's so pretty, nice and hardworking for her parents. I bet you two will look good together" Jina smiled

"Are you being serious right now? Hahahahaha"

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