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Third person's POV

He sighed as he looked at the condominium "Thanks, Minho"

"No worries. You go and ask Jina about the conversation between her and Hansol. I'm sure there's a problem, I can feel it by just hearing her voice earlier" Minho said

"You take care Minho" Lian said and got out of the car

He nodded and smiled "I just hope she's fine. Anyway, I'll go now. Thank you for today"

"Yeah, thank you as well" Minho said

Jeongin got out of the car and followed Lian inside the condominium. They both rode the elevator to their floor.

"What did Jina said?" Lian asked

"I don't know, she said it's okay, the talk between her and Hansol was fine. I don't believe her. Her voice cracked when she said goodbye earlier. I know something is wrong" Jeongin whispered

"There is really something wrong" Lian sighed and was hesitating to tell Jeongin about Jina's plan "J-Jeongin, believe me or not. I will tell her not to continue whatever her plan is. It might lead to something dangerous" she said hinting Jeongin that Jina is going to be in danger because of the plan

The elevator stopped on their floor. They both got out and went to their rooms. Jeongin was about to open the door when Lian stopped in front of  him.

"Hmm?" Jeongin

"A-About Jina..." Lian whispered and she is so bothered and worried about Jina even though they just met "S-She..."

"She? What? What about her?" Jeongin asked

Lian shook her head "Nothing. Just worried about her. I just feel like something is wrong. I mean Hansol won't reject her idea if it's a good one. Hansol probably rejected her offer because he knows something is wrong. J-Just talk to her about it" she smiled and walked straight to her room

Jeongin felt bothered by Lian's words. He felt like she knows something that he don't. He ignored it and went inside his room. Now, he us worried about what he dreamt about. Jina was telling him not to look for her anymore and she's slowly fading away.

"Jeongin" Jisung called as he saw him entered the room

"Where is she?" Jeongin asked

Jisung pointed at the guest room "Is there something wrong? I mean I heard her sobbing. Did you two fought?"

"J-Just misunderstanding. We're fine, I'll talk to her" he smiled

"Oh okay. You two should talk it out. I'm not trying to interfere, okay? I was just telling you that no matter how big the problem is, you two should overcome it. I am not in a relationship but I believe that the problem will make you two stronger" Jisung smiled at him

Jeongin nodded "Thank you"

"Go on, she's probably waiting for you since earlier" Jisung whispered and smiled once again

Jeongin stood up and went to the guest room. He was hesitating to open the door but in the end he opened it. He saw Jina covered with blanket. He turned on the lights and entered the room. His phone suddenly rang.

Uncle Jae In calling...


[Jeongin, she still has two days. She needs to go back to North Korea the afternoon of her fourth day. It'll be her last night there tomorrow night. Make sure she will enjoy and keep memories of South Korea when she goes back to North]

"I will"

[Remember to tell her what I told about Hansol or else Jina and Hansol will be in danger. I'm sure she's up to something. Tell her to be careful what she's planning to do. She might put herself in danger]

"U-Uncle, I don't even know what is happening. Can you ask Hansol what Jina told him?" 

[I tried but he said that's nothing. He said to take care of Jina. Now, I trust you and I will ask you to take care of her at all cost. We're both aware of what she's been through. I need to go take care you two]

"You too, Uncle. Thank you!" 

Little did Jeongin know, Jina is awake and she's just listening to his voice talking to President Moon. she never wanted to remove the cover, she wants to be quiet and relax after crying the whole day. 

She was startled when Jeongin caress her back...

"Jina, are you asleep? If you are, I hope you're dreaming of something great. I hope your mind is at peace and relaxed right now. I don't know why but I felt nervous and I know something isn't right when you answered the phone. I heard how your voice cracked when you said goodbye. Do you know that I fell asleep on my way here? I dreamed that you told me not to look for you anymore and you slowly f-faded a-away" Jeongin said and his voice cracked at the end, just remembering it, it breaks his heart so much "I know this is weird and too sudden. Believe me or not, I like you. W-When I first saw you, I knew in my heart that I want to be with you and I will always do everything to be with you" 

Jina's eyes widened as she heard Jeongin's confession, although she heard it from Lian already, she never expected to hear it from Jeongin. 

"For now, I'll do everything to make you happy because you deserve it. I'll confess before you go back to North, also..." he whispered as he took a deep breath, he looked at Jina 

Jina felt nervous when he whispered also and can't wait to hear the next sentence.

"I will wait for you whatever it takes, Kim Jina" he smiled

Jina's tears started falling...

She knows how complicated it is for them to be together..

The Border Between Us | Yang Jeongin |Where stories live. Discover now