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Third person's POV

"Are we really allowed to go out?" Jeongin asked

Jina sighed as she wore her coat "Why? Are you scared? That's a market for everyone. Why are you so worried?"

"I mean this is not just Korea. This is North Korea. I'm not scared. I just want us to be safe. It's better to be safe than sorry" he said as he stood up from her bed "Where are we going to ride?"

"What ride? That place is so near. We are going to walk" she answered and finally took her money with her "Let's go"

"Am I supposed to bring my credit card?" Jeongin

"Why would you bring your credit card? We don't use that here" she sighed and left Jeongin in the room

Jeongin quickly left his phone, wallet and everything that he can't use. He quickly wore his coat and ran outside. He saw Jina standing while glaring at him.

"What?" Jeongin

"Can you move fast?" Jina asked as she got out of the house

Jeongin just stayed quiet and quickly ran outside. He followed Jina as they walked out of the village. All eyes on them. They all aware that Jeongin is from South Korea but they never made him feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed. Instead, they welcomed him with a little celebration tonight.

"Ms. Kim" the village guard vowed to her

"Good thing that you are here. I want to talk to you" Jina

Jeongin is just there standing while listening to them both. He knows that it's not right to eavesdrop but he can't just leave Jina with a guy.

"What is it about, Ms. Kim?" village guard

"There will be a small dinner celebration tonight for all the villagers here. I am aware of that and I don't want you to interfere nor the other guards. You all should stay outside the village or can join us but never ruin the night. I'm giving them the permission to celebrate and have fun tonight" Jina said that made Jeongin shocked "That will be all. Have a great day" Jina left and Jeongin quickly followed her

"You look cool there. I am proud of you using your own voice" Jeongin said as he put his hands inside his coat's pocket

A smile curved on her lips as she heard those words from Jeongin. This is what she wanted to make him proud. She finally made it. She will continue doing this. Those words will kept her brave and strong to stand on her own. That will be her lucky charm for everyday.

Jeongin felt the back of their hands touched. His heart started to beat fast that it made him sweat so much. He kept taking a deep breath to gather his strength. But then-

Jina held his hand first "I didn't mean to hold your hand. I was just feeling weak and I want to be energize"

"Damn" Jeongin whispered, she made his heart beat so fast and no one ever did that to him. His eyes kept blinking a lot of times trying to calm himself from the shy and happy feeling.

As they reached the market. They both went to the vegetables and fruits part. STILL HOLDING EACH OTHERS' HANDS. Jina is the one who's picking the right fruits and vegetables for their share tonight. Jeongin is just staring at her like a proud boyfriend.

"Do you know how to pick the right one?" Jina asked

Jeongin shook his head "My Uncle would always tell his maids to shop for me. I cook my own food but I never tried to go to market. I also order from different restaurants"

"Ah that explains why. I am still glad you know how to cook" she smiled

He just chuckled at her "How do you pick the right one?"

"The feeling" Jina said

Jeongin's eyes widened "Huh?"

"You have to use your sense of touch to feel it. You think I'm referring to you?" she smirked as she felt the feeling of victory

"I'm not assuming. You were the one who thought I'm assuming. As if" Jeongin rolled his eyes as he felt embarrassed

They both kept buying the ingredients for the food. Jina is continuing to buy while Jeongin is carrying all the bags full of ingredients.

"I-I'm hungry" a kid told Jeongin

Jeongin quickly gave him a bread "You should eat it, okay? Take care-"

"Yang Jeongin, are you crazy?" Jina called as he saw him

"Why?" Jeongin asked

Jina quickly gave the bags to one of her trusted seller in the market "Run"

"You two!" a market guard shouted and started to ran towards

Jina and Jeongin started running so fast while holding hands. They both don't care if there's a lot of people but they just want to escape the market guard. Although Jina is the next President, she's not exempted from the punishment that might be given to them.

She dragged him behind the bushes and sat down..

"Why are we running? We didn't do anything wrong" Jeongin

"What you did was wrong" Jina answered and kept breathing heavily

"What? I just gave the kid a bread. What's wrong about that?" Jeongin answered

"That was one of my Aunt Yo-jong's rules. We shouldn't give anything those kids who were abandoned by their parents. I know the feeling of wanting to give them foods but we can't" Jina sighed

"What? I don't understand. Why are they so mean?" Jeongin rolled his eyes

"I know. That's why I want to be a President soon and will remove the both" Jina smiled

The Border Between Us | Yang Jeongin |Where stories live. Discover now