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Hi, I have songs to recommend while reading the rest of the story hehe.

Hi, I have songs to recommend while reading the rest of the story hehe

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Third person's POV

It's finally time for them to go to Blue House of South Korea. They are holding each others' hand while Jeongin is driving. They are holding hands. Tightly. They never wanted to let go of it and want to hold forever.

Jeongin wants to turn the car but he never wanted to make President Kim mad. He might not let Jina go back to South Korea. He wants to run away with her and live where no one will be against them. Where it's just the two of them.

"Are you okay?" Jina asked him

Jeongin nodded and smiled "I'm fine"

As they finally arrived at the blue house. He parked the car and was hesitating to unlock the door. Jeongin held her hand tightly. 

"Why?" Jina asked

"President Moon is aware of us being close to each other and he is also aware of my feelings for you. For now, we should act like we're not close and you just enjoyed me guiding you and touring you. Let's act like we didn't know each other that well. You can't say that you met Hansol or I surprised you. You should act like you were some real tourist" Jeongin said giving her warnings

"Okay, I'll do what you said" she smiled at him

"You can go first" he said and let go of her hands

Jina nodded and smiled again "It'll be fine. I'll go now. I'll see you upstairs" she said and finally got out of the car

As soon as the door closed. He watched Jina enter the door of blue house. He punched the steering wheel, regretting that he let her go. He should've not drove here, and just run away with her.

Jeongin calmed himself and he got out of the car. He walked normally and entered the blue house. He went to the dining room where President Kim and President Moon are talking. As he entered the dining room, he saw Jina sitting already and looking at him without any expression.

He vowed to them "Good afternoon"

"Good afternoon, young man. Come and eat with us" President Kim said as he smiled at him

Jeongin quickly sat and he is facing Jina's direction.

"So, how's your vacation?" President Moon asked Jina

"It was fun thanks to Mr. Yang. He gave me really good tour everywhere. He also made me try different foods. We also went to amusement park and rode the amazing rides. If onlh Ju Ae came with me, she will probably enjoy everything" Jina said with a smile one face but still keeping her fierce expression

"I am hoping that someday I'll be able to visit with my wife, Ri Sol Ju, and youngest daughter, Ju Ae" President Kim said and sighed "But it'll be hard for me to find an available time. We're currently getting ready for Jina's take over as the next President Of North Korea. Everyone is so excited to see my eldest daughter finally taking my spot"

"I'm sure Jina has plans for North Korea like her Father" President Moon said and smiled at Jina

Jina nodded "I do have plans for my country and its people but it's a better plan. I'm sure everyone will be happy about it and I'm looking forward to meeting you, again, President Moon"

"I'm also looking forward to that day, young lady. I will be rooting for your successful plans and long life for your country" President Moon smiled at her once again

Jina finally found her voice. She won't be a puppet of her Father who kept obeying orders.

She'll be stronger this time...


"I really want to thank you for taking care of Jina and giving us a lovely dinner" President Kim told the other President as they walked out of the blue house

"No worries. That's my duty. I am really grateful that you trusted your daughter to us, especially to Jeongin, my nephew. I also want to thank you for accepting my invitation. I hope this will happen again" President Moon said as he chuckled

"Of course, I'll be really happy to go here again" President Kim smiled

They are both walking to the car of President Kim while thanking each other and planning of doing another dinner.

"I'll be waiting" President Moon said

"Young man!" President Kim called Jeongin and waved "Thank you again for the days you spent with Jina"

"It's a pleasure, President Kim. I'm hoping that I'll be able to give you a tour as well" Jeongin smiled

President Kim nodded and smiled at President Moon "I need to go now. Again, thank you" he got in the car

President Moon watched the car's door closed. He walked to the door of blue house and looked at the two "It's time"

"So, I guess this is a goodbye" Jina said and smiled

Jeongin nodded and sighed "I think it really is a goodbye for now. Until we meet again" he smiled

Jina chuckled and nodded back "Until we meet again, Yang Jeongin. Thank you for everything. I really appreciated it" she smiled and started walking to the car

Jeongin wants to follow her but President Moon signalled him not to do that. He stood there and watched Jina get in the car. It was the hardest thiing for him. He never wanted to see Jina walking away. He never expected that it'll be so hard for her. He hoped that someday, no one will walk away from each other.

"I'm looking forward to your plans for North Korea, Jina"

The Border Between Us | Yang Jeongin |Where stories live. Discover now