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Third person's POV

Jeongin hugged her as tight as he can. If that will make her feel better he will do that for a thousand times until she feels better. He doesn't want to ask and chose her privacy but...

He is worried for her. He is curious what is going through her mind. Why did she suddenly pointed the gun at him? Why did she changed her mind and hugger him instead? Lastly...

Why is she scared?

They both sat on the couch as Jina finally calmed down. He is really worried right now. He took a glass of water and gave it to Jina.

"Jina" he called

Jina started crying again "I'm sorry"

"Can you please tell me what happened? I understand that you want to keep it private but at least tell me something. I can't just sit here and watch you go insane without doing anything. Jina, I know you are trying to be strong and brave alone. You also have to tell me what is happening. I need to be aware of your feelings. I am scared that you might do something to yourself. What if you suddenly pull the trigger while pointing the gun to yourself?" Jeongin

"I..." she whispered and glanced at Jeongin "I had a talk with Han-gyeol. He said that the other zone wants you home now. T-They got worried. Y-You said your flight it supposed to be yesterday but you didn't go"

She lied.

"Is that why you are crying?" he asked

Jina nodded.

"You said you are scared" Jeongin

"I-I was just scared to face everything alone" Jina

"I can stay if you want. I can talk to Uncle and stay here with you. Just tell me you want me to be here. I will always choose wherever you are. I will always go wherever you want to go. I want to be with you forever" Jeongin said

She really found herself. Her eyes were full of hope now. She wants to choose herself now. She wants to tel Jeongin to stay with her but how? She is going to put him in danger.

"I-I want you to stay. I badly want to spend my whole life with you. I don't want to spend every hour without you. I will always choose to stay with you forever" she whispered and continued crying "B-But you have to leave. I promise we will meet each other again"

"Are you okay to be alone?" Jeongin asked

"I'm not alone. I have my family with me. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. I promise" Jina smiled

"Then, can you tell me something that will make me believe you?" Jeongin asked

She held his hands tightly "I will work hard to take over as soon as possible. On the day that I set everyone free and united with South Korea as one. I promise you will be the first person I will go to"

Jeongin smiled and nodded "Alright"


The car stopped in front of the demiliatarized zone. Every soldier kept on guard as they watched the South Koreans getting ready for Jeongin to cross the zone.

"Can you leave us for a moment?" Jina asked the soldier who drove their car

The soldier was hesitating but he went out in the end leaving Jina and Jeongin in the car.

"You'll be fine, right?" Jeongin asked her

Jina nodded and smiled "I will be fine. I promise. I'll be fine"

Jeongin looked at her "Jina, why do I feel like this? I'm trying to fool myself that you are fine when I know you're really not"

"You were just worried. This is my home. No one can hurt me nor do something bad to me. You don't have to worry about me, okay? Worry about yourself. You should get yourself ready before our country unite as one" Jina smiled

"I will" Jeongin smiled and hugged her tightly "Let's meet again, okay?"

"Yeah" Jina nodded

They both got out of the car and walked slowly trying to take advantage of every minute to be with each other. As they finally reached the end, Jina sighed.

President Moon and the South Korean soldiers vowed at Jina as a sign if respect to the next President of North Korea. Jina and the North Korean soldiers did the same.

"So, I guess this is a good bye again and we will have to wait for how many weeks" Jeongin said and pouted

Jina chuckled and nodded "Yes, we have to say good by for now"

"We will meet again, right?" Jeongin asked

She suddenly lost herself but she gained her strength to smile "We will"

Lies. She knows that will be the last time that they will meet each other. It'll be the end for them. If they will meet, it's probably in their next life.

Jina vowed at President Moon "Thank you for letting Jeongin to stay with me"

"As long as you are both happy" President Moon smiled

She finally looked at him for the last time "Always remember that I will be the rain that will be watching you even though I don't show up always. Can you promise me to be happy always?"

Jeongin hugged her "I will. I love you, Jina. Let's meet again soon" he smiled and finally let her go

He finally walked to the zone slowly as he can. He wants to stay but he can't. He will wait for Jina to be the President instead.

For the last step, he looked at Jina with a smile "Thank you" he whispered

She started crying again "L-Let's meet again in our next life. I love you, Yang Jeongin" she whispered

The Border Between Us | Yang Jeongin |Where stories live. Discover now