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Jeongin's POV

"What are you doing outside in the middle of the night?"

Her eyes widened as she looked at me. Her eyes were darted to me "Y-Yang Jeongin"

I took a deep breath "It's pretty cold here. I wonder if you guys have a heater inside?"

She kept her silence and looked at me. Her tears started falling "Y-You..."

"Why? Don't you want me here? I should've know that. Should I go home? Or-"

"Go" she whispered


"Go home" she repeated

"Are you kidding me right now? I just got here"

"J-Just go" she looked down

"Fine, I will go home in one condition. You have to look at me and tell me that you want me to go"

She closed her eyes and more tears fell from her eyes "You'll be in danger"

"Danger? Why am I going to be in danger? You know this place, you have a power. You are Kim Jina. I know you will protect me, I know you will..."

"J-Jeongin, this is not a safe place for you" she whispered


"J-Just go" Jina

"Kim Jina" I called and looked staight into her eyes "It hurts hearing you telling me to go but it doesn't matter. Do you know what hurts me the most? The girl I love is choosing to face those struggles alone when I am here, ready to face it with her"

"Jeongin..." Jina

"If you really want me to go. I will walk away but let me tell you this..." I whispered as I smiled at her genuinely "If ever you will change your mind. I am always willing to stay"

I started walking away. I am not usually slow but I am hoping that she will stop me. I want to give her time to change her mind. I know something is bothering her and I want her to know that no matter how dangerous it is to be with her. I will gladly face the danger with her-

"Yang Jeongin!" she shouted, I heard her ran and hugged me tightly "I'm so sorry. I am really sorry..."

This is it. This is what I'm waiting for. I want her to be strong enough to choose herself this time not others.

"It's okay, Jina. Didn't I tell you? Your decision will always be my decision. I am willing to stay here with you no matter how dangerous it is. Always"

She hugged me tightly "I-I'm scared..."

I faced her and hugged her back "It's not always bad to tell someone you're scared. If you are scared, tell me. I will always protect you and make you stronger and braver, Jina"

"I want to run away with you. A-Are you willing to go with m-me?" Jina whispered

"Anywhere, Kim Jina. Anywhere"


We both entered the mansion of President Kim. Everyone is looking at us like it was the first time they saw Jina with a guy- Yes. I forgot. I am the first guy.

"Jina" a woman called

"Mother" Jina smiled

I vowed "I am Yang Jeongin, President Moon's nephew"

"I am Ri Sol Ju, the President's first lady. It was nice meeting you, young man" she smiled at me

I smiled back "It was nice meeting you as well, Mrs. Kim"

"Oh! Good evening!" Ju Ae, the kid I saw in the Kim's family tree

"Hi, I am Yang Jeongin"

She covered her mouth and looked at her sister "The guy you were talking about? The one who surprised you?" she whispered

Cutie. She thought I didn't heard her.

"Yes" Jina smiled

"Hi, I am Kim Ju Ae, the youngest daughter of President Kim" Ju Ae introduced and vowed at me

"Nice meeting you, Ju Ae"

She chuckled "Can you tell me about-"

"Ju Ae, you have to rest now. He will tell you everything tomorrow" Jina told her

Ju Ae nodded and smiled "Good night" she winked and walked away along with a maid

"Let's go. The dinner is ready" Mrs. Kim said as she got out of the kitchen

The three of us entered the dining room. There's a lot of food there and it's just the three of us.

"Uh... Where is President Kim? I would like to greet-"

"He is tired but I will go there to tell him that you're here" Jina smiled at me and vowed at us "I'll be back. Just going to tell President Kim something" she left the dining room

Now, it's pretty awkward.

"Thank you for making Jina happy. I guess this time she found her voice" Mrs. Kim said and smiled at me "It was the first time I saw her this happy. I am glad..."

"I am also happy that I kind of helped her, I think? But I think she did it herself. I was just there and watched her become strong"

She smiled "Jeongin"


"J-Jina, s-she's not my r-real daughter. I don't know how to tell her. I don't want her to hate me for hiding the truth. I don't want her to feel like everyone betrayed her. I am scared that she might changed" Mrs. Kim whispered

"I guess Jina will surely tell you that you should've told her the truth. I am sure she will understand be happy that you stayed. She is kind enough to understand you"

"I guess so" she whispered again

"B-But, even though she's not your real daughter. S-She still has a place in your heart, right?"

"Jina really has a place in my heart and will always have a place in my heart" she smiled

I'm glad...

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