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Third person's POV


Jina is staring at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were full of tears and she wanted to shout as loud as she can. She wants to break everything. Out of all the people, why is she the only who kept suffering?

She never expected things to turn out like that. Ri Sol Ju was there when she grew up, she was there through her good and bad times. She witnessed everything about her. She did what a mother should do. She made her felt proud during her winning days. She hugged her through her losing days.

It broke her heart that she's not her real Mother. It doesn't matter to Jina but she hoped that, she's her real Mother. She hoped that Sol Ju won't tell her about it. If she will hear it from someone, it may gave her not that much pain but if she heard it from Sol Ju...

It'll give her pain forever....

"Ms. Kim" a maid called Jina as she entered the room

Jina didn't answered.

"You have to drink your tea" the maid said and put the tea on her table "I can't leave if you're not going to drink it. I have to give this to you Father"

"T-To my Father?" she asked

The maid nodded.

An idea came to her mind. It was her plan. The plan she wants to do if only Hansol didn't reject her offer.

"Can I gave it to him?" she asked

"It's my duty to give this to him. I apologize but I can't give let you" the maid

"I had a fight with my Father. I know in this kind of kind gesture, he will forgive me. Let me do this one" Jina

"I don't know if this is right. He is not feeling well and he might get mad at you. Okay, I'll let you do this. I hope he will forgive you, Ms. Kim" maid said and left the tray on her table and left the room

Jina looked at the tea. She took out the poison she was keeping for a long time. She put a little of it in her Father's tea and mixed it. Her hands were shaking as she hid the poison.

She quickly fixed her face and wore her no expression face. She stood up and carried the tray. She's trembling in fear but she stayed calm as she left the room. Her heart is beating fast as she stopped in front of the officer of her Father. No one was there.

She entered and locked the door quickly. She vowed "Good evening, Father"

"Kim Jina. What brought you here?" President Kim asked

Jina walked to him slowly "Tea"

"Thank you" President Kim said and took the tea from the tray

"F-Father" she called

"Hmm?" President Kim

"I'm sorry but I have to" Jina whispered

President Kim was confused but he thinks it's because of Jeongin. He drank the tea in one go. He started breathing heavily and was struggling to move. His vision is getting blurry as he looked at Jina.

"J-Jina, w-where are y-you?" President Kim asked

"I-In front of you" she whispered as tears started falling from her eyes

President Kim throw up blood and fell to the ground. There, he finally closed his eyes..

Jina watched him "I-I'm so sorry, Father. I-I have t-to do t-this"

She kneeled to the ground and started crying as she hugged him tightly. The very last time she had the chance to hug her Father...


Jina finally closed the door, sweats rolling through her face. She just finished hiding her Father's body. She locked the door of the office and saw Han-gyeol arrived.

He vowed to her "Jina" Han-gyeol called, the youngest highest rank soldier of North Korea

"Father wants to rest and he is not feeling well. He doesn't want to be disturbed. Please, make sure to tell everyone not to disturb him" Jina said in a normal tone like nothing happened

"I will surely tell them. You have to rest" Han-gyeol said and walked away from her

Jina went to her room and saw her Mom fixing her clothes. She slowly entered, she ran and hugged her from behind.

"Jina? What happened?" Sol Ju asked

"L-Let me stay like this for a moment" she whispered

"Why? Are you okay?" Sol Ju removed the hug and faced Jina "What happened?"

"I have to go. I need to go back to Chagang province. I want you and Ju Ae to stay away from the office" Jina warned and felt scared for the two

"Why?" Ri Sol Ju

Jina shook her head "I'll just go out and take a walk. I'm so stressed over things and I want to breath freely"

"Sure, you can. Go on and I'll just continue doing this" Sol Ju smiled at her and gave her coat 

Jina wore the coat and left the room. Her eyes darted to the office but she quickly look away. She walked out of the mansion. She took a deep breath and felt free. The scary feeling she felt slowly fades away but the fact of seeing her Father struggling to death hurts her...

"What are you doing outside in the middle of the night?" a familiar voice asked her

Her eyes widened at a guy who's standing a few steps from her "Y-Yang Jeongin"

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