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Hansol's POV

I smiled "I, Kim Hansol, will take over the spot as the President of North Korea"

Everyone was shocked even Aunt Yo-jong. They all never expected this to happen. I hate North Korea because of what happened to my Father. How can I take over easily?

Jina, if this is what you want to happen. I will gladly do it for you. I am sorry for not helping you. Please, rest in peace and walk your path with a smile.

"No! You can't!" Aunt Yo-jong shouted

"Actually, he can" one of the men stood up and smiled at me "It is part of the rule. Our late President Kim wrote Jina as the next President, Jina wrote Hansol as the next President after her. We all know Jina has no rights to write it because she didn't became the President or didn't take over at all" he said and showed them the documents "But she signed the papers which is also part of the rules. That made Hansol become the official President, while Yo-jong wasn't valid to be the President"

"I'll get everything back!" she shouted

"No, you can't" I smiled and made a hand gesture to the soldiers "Take her and all those under her who tried to ruin North Korea. They will be executed like what she did to Jina"

"Yes, President Kim" the highest ranker said and signalled the soldiers "Take them and bring them to execution house"

"Ya! Are you crazy?!" Aunt Yo-jong shouted as they took her away from us, along with the those under her.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes "It's coming to an end, Jina"

"President Kim, you have to stand there and say your pledge as the next President" one of them said

I nodded and started walking to the front. I was weak before and I tried to run away leaving everyone behind. I was so selfish for choosing myself instead of helping Jina. I was so wrong for turning my back on her.

I raised my right hand "I, Kim Hansol, promise and will do my best to make North Korea a better country as the President. On behalf of Jina, I will take over this spot with all my heart and will not disappoint everyone. Thank you"

"Congratulations to our President Kim" someone announced

Everyone started clapping and cheering for me.

"Another one" I said that made them stop and focused on me "I am now giving North Korean people the freedom they deserve"

Jina, is this what you are expecting it to be? I will make it happen. The freedom you wanted for everyone. I will do it for you.


I put the flowers down "How can you leave us easily? What about us? Your Mother and Sister. How about Jeongin? Jina, how can I handle this alone?"

"President Kim" Han-gyeol called and vowed to me "You have to do the last speech for Jina"

Everyone is here. Her Mother, Sister, Chun Hei, the highest ranker, Han-gyeol and the villagers from Chagang province. There's some people here from other province as well who supported Jina until the end.

I stood and faced everyone "What happened really shocked everyone. We never expected her to be executed. We also never expected that the girl who dreams of giving everyone a freedom will end up sacrificing her ownself. We all know Jina, she is a very hardworking person. She never let anyone down. If she sees someone suffering from her Father's hand, she is brave to step out. When we were young, she saw how people suffered and I think that made her stronger. She is so young and deserves what young teenagers in South Korea do. Instead, she was trained to do well to be the next President. She did so well. I wasn't there but I know she did made everyone proud. She went to my house in South Korea, she told me about her plan. I was against it and told her not to do it because I'm jot going back here. I-I was shocked when I heard that she's gone"

I looked at everyone in front of me. They are all crying with heavy hearts as they look at me. I know it's not that hard for me but for everyone too.

"I never expected that she's able to do this just to set everyone free. I am so proud of her, she finally did it. I am mad at her and at myself at the same time. She left without even saying good bye to me in person. I didn't even had the chance to hug her when we last met. I was so mad at myself for not protecting her like what I promised to her. How come she ended up leaving for good? I want to say how proud I am and happy for her. She did it all by herself. She was so strong and brave for not asking for any help from anyone. She suffered a lot and I want her to rest in peace"

I closed my eyes and felt my tears fell. Why does she have to die when everything finally ended? Why didn't she waited for me to save her? Why?

"Salute!" Han-gyeol shouted

We all saluted to Jina with tears on our eyes.

"North Korea is finally free, Jina. Thank you, rest well. You did a great job"

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