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Third person's POV

Both the President of North Korea Kim Jong Un and the President of South Korea arrived in the conference room of both country to talk about something.

"It was nice meeting you" President Kim Jong Un greeted

"It was nice meeting you as well" President Moon Jae In smiled and they both shake hands

Jina vowed to the President Moon Jae In.

"This is my eldest daughter, Kim Jina" President Kim Jong Un introduced

"Nice meeting you, young lady" President Moon Jae In greeted Jina too

Jina vowed again "Nice meeting you too, Mr. President" she smiled

They sat and started talking about things. Jina is feeling out of place because she's not really interested to be the next President. She also can't believe that she's stepping at the land of South Korea. Her heart felt happy and gazed at the small window to see the sky.

The border that divided Korea into two places

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The border that divided Korea into two places. Finally, she's already there. She wanted to be there and been wanting to look at the place of South Korea.

"So, you are going to be the next President of South Korea?" President Moon Jae In asked Jina

Jina smiled and didn't nod "Yes"

"Since your Father and I were hoping to reunite as one sooner. I guess you'll be the President at that time. I'll be looking forward to work with you, Ms. Jina" President Moon Jae In smiled at Jina giving her the sweetest and brightest smile as he could

Jina felt relieved hearing the word "reunite". She knows that the President Moon Jae In wants the peace between two country, that's what Jina wants as well. But her Father never wanted that to happen.

The two President continued talking about different things. Jina felt alone again but she's still happy to see the President of South Korea and the feeling of that one day the word "reunite" will happen as much as everyone wanted it to happen.

"You should visit the South Korea sometimes" President Moon Jae In told President Kim Jong Un

"I will visit with Jina. If ever I am busy, I will let my daughter to go there and enjoy" President Kim Jong Un smiled

Those words from her Father made Jina really happy. She never felt happy before but she is now. The peace, hope and love for the two country is growing inside Jina's heart.

"That's nice, then. I'll be waiting and will prepare a warm welcome for this young lady" President Moon Jae In

"Thank you" Jina smiled and vowed

They kept talking, Jina is quiet all the time and will talk whenever the two President is talking to her or if they will ask something to her.



A young guy entered the blue house of his Uncle Moon Jae In. A smile curved on his lips seeing the personal assistant of his Uncle there.

"Is my Uncle inside?" he asked

"Yes, he just arrived a few minutes ago from the Demiliatarized Zone" the personal assistant answered

He nodded "Can I?"

"Can I say no?" personal assistant smiled at the guy

"Thanks!" he smiled showing his two dimples

The personal assistant knocked on the door and opened it "Mr. President, your nephew is here"

"Alright, let him enter" President Moon Jae In said and put all of his paper works on the table

His nephew entered with a smile on his face and waved at the old man "How about a cup of coffee somewhere here?"

"I have a lot of things to do. Just request for a cup of coffee to bring here" President Moon Jae In

"Uncle that was supposed to be a joke" he smiled

"I know, you are too old for such jokes that I don't understand, Yang Jeongin" President Moon Jae In

Jeongin smiled "Why were you at the Demiliatarized Zone? I heard it from your personal assistant?"

"The President Kim Jong Un invited me to meet someone important and will take over soon" President Moon Jae In said and looked at his nephew "You should go with me next time"

"Why? I'm scared" Jeongin said and acted like he is so scared

"Why would you be scared? I am with you, and they won't kill you. I just want to introduce you to the President Kim Jong Un. Also, his eldest daughter is so beautiful" President Moon Jae In said trying to make his nephew say yes

"I don't want to" Jeongin

"I think she's the same age as you. She's really beautiful, elegant, kind and she has a beautiful smile. It's like a face of South and North Korean woman. I promise, you will be mesmerized by her beauty. I will let all of my fingers sliced if you aren't going to say she's beautiful" President Moon Jae In stood and sat beside Jeongin

Jeongin smiled "You are bringing me there because you want me to see the girl? I thought you want me to introduce to the President Kim Jong Un?"

"The main reason is the young lady but I will still introduce you to President Kim Jong Un" President Moon Jae In said and put his arm around Jeongin's shoulder "If our country will reunite with them as one. I will really make you marry her. She's different from the girls you know"

"And now you are trying to tell me to marry her soon? You are really unbelievable, Uncle. Anyway, when are we going to meet them?" Jeongin asked

"I'll update you" President Moon Jae In

Jeongin smiled and nodded. It might be the weirdest thing that President Moon Jae In told him but he will still do it. He knows it'll make his Uncle happy with such small effort of meeting the young lady.

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