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Jeongin's POV

"We're here" I parked the car far from the exact address. We are right.  There are four guards outside the house and they were all wearing uniforms with full of loads.

"Oh my gosh. Do you guys think we can get pass through them?" Lian asked

"They look so ready, as if something is going to show up and they will shoot them in one go" Minho

"North Korean guards look scary but I didn't know they will be more scary than I thought" Jina

"Can the three of you calm down? I know you are all doubting if we can enter the house but we are already here. We just need to think of a plan, this is our opportunity"

"They know you, Jeongin. They will probably call your Uncle and tell them you are here which is really suspicious. I mean you don't have any reason to be here" Lian

"Then, if they know you. Why not use that chance to enter? Tell them that you're Uncle told you to go here to check something with Hansol" Minho

"What if they call President Moon Jae In? And ask if it's true" Lian

"Tell them that President Moon is in a meeting and can't be disturbed. If that won't work, we'll have to enter that the other way" Minho

"Okay, let's do this, Minho and Lian will have to stay here while me and Jina go inside"

"Copy" Lian

Jina looked at me and nodded "W-We can do this"

"Of course, we can"

We both got out of  the car and started walking to the exact address. The four guards were looking at our direction. The four of them vowed at us as they saw my face clearly.

"Good morning, young master" one of the guards said

"Good morning"

"What brought you here?" guard 1

"My Uncle Jae In was supposed to go here, did he tell you all?"

They all looked at each other.

"Nope, we didn't received any message from his secretary" guard 3

"That's what I'm about to tell you. You know, I was supposed to leave because I have a schedule said by my personal assistant, Jina. Bad luck, my Uncle told me to go here instead and do what he was supposed to do here with Hansol. I was really lazy but then again, I need to obey my Uncle, no choice"

"We understand" guard 2

"So, excuse us"

Jina and I were about to enter when the guard 4 blocked the way and vowed at me. 

"I am the head and I need to make sure if the President really said that" guard 4

"Are you doubting me?"

"It's not like that, young master. We need to make sure, it's also for Hansol's safety" guard 4

"My Uncle is in a serious meeting with the President of Philippines. They were talking about something. If you'll try to disturb him, he will probably kick you all out. This is an important meeting for him and doing importants things with Hansol-"

"I am his personal assistant. I can assure you all that he is saying the truth. I am hired 3 years ago and I never failed any job because I'm loyal and honest to the President Moon. If this important thing failed because you are all trying to block the young master. I must say that the four of you should be fired as soon as possible" Jina said with confidence, heads up and fierce eyes

"I'm sorry but-" guard 3

Jina took her phone out "I think I should call the President and will tell them that the four of you are doubting the young master" she said and faked dial my Uncle's number

"We apologize for the actions and decisions we made. The two of you may enter now" guard 4

"Stop the call Jina"

She annoyingly faked stop the call and kept her phone inside her mini sling bag. She borrowed it from Lian, just for our props.

The two guards opened the gate for us. We both entered the house with confidence. As soon as the gate closed, we both finally breathed freely.

"What the fuck was that"

"H-Huh?" Jina

"I'm sorry that's a bad word. Anyway, we should enter now"

I was about to open the door when Jina stopped walking towards me. She's breathing heavily this time, her hands were trembling in fear, her lips is getting dry as hell.


"I-I don't think I can" Jina

"What do you mean? You wanted to talk to him. You wanted to tell him about your plan. We are fine now, you just have to tell him everything"

Jina sighed "I know it sounds so easy for me to say that I will tell him  about my plan but now... I'm scared. I don't know why but I think it's because he might hate me. His Father died because of my Father. I don't think Hansol will ever believe me if I tell him I want North Korea to change. He might think that I will kill him once he entered North Korea. I-I'm scared of the result..."

I walked towards her and held her hands tightly "You can do this. I'm here, I will also convince. I trust you, that you won't do anything bad to him. I know you're sincere and I know you want everything to be fine"

She nodded a lot of times slowly and took a deep breath "I-I can do this"

We intertwined our fingers as we stood in front of the door. I knocked on the door-

"Yang Jeongin, what do you think you're doing?" THAT VOICE.


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