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Minho's POV

I saw how Jeongin's eyes widened. Wait- I am right? I was just guessing. I mean I was just playing with him. We all know that he met with President Kim Jong Un, so, I decided to play with him.

And it's true. 

"How did you know?" Jeongin looked at me

"What do you mean? It's true?"

"Huh?" Jeongin

"You already said it. I'm not surprised. There's a lot of people who came here from North Korea"

"But she's not some typical North Korean" Jeongin

"What? Is she a princess? A goddess?"

"She's the daughter of President Kim Jong Un, and will be the next president of North Korea" Jeongin

"What? How can that-"

"Her Father allowed her to stay here for three to four days only. After that she'll go back to North Korea" he sighed

"To be honest, I was just playing with you. I know how scared you are of North Korea and I thought of making you mad by bringing up about it"

"You got it right but can you keep this as a secret? I mean no one knows the real face of President Kim Jong Un's daughter" Jeongin looked at me

I nodded "You can count on me. So, she's not your girlfriend?"

"Sadly, no" he chuckled

"Do you have feelings for her?"

"I can't lie. I know this sounds so weird but I do like her. I mean the other day was the first time we met but it felt like we already knew each other. It was the first time I laid my eyes on her but it was like years. I think this is how love at first sight goes" he smiled

I see, he is really into her. Isn't this complicated? I mean if they both like each other they can't still be together. Jeongin is the nephew of President Moon Jae In, Jina is the daughter of President Kim Jong Un. If they want to wait for each other, it's still complicated. No one knows if the two president will unite the two countries as one.

"What's your plan? Are you going to tell her?"

"How? She might not believe me. I accepted the offer to stay with her because I like her and I want her to be happy. I know she wanted to stay here for a reason" Jeongin 

"What reason?"

"It's a guy named Hansol-" Jeongin

"Jeongin- Babe!" Jina shouted his name but suddenly changed it to babe. She smiled and ran to him. They look like a perfect couple.

"Thanks" Jeongin smiled

I must say that Jina is a bit cold and pretending to be a cheerful one now. I mean maybe she feel excited because it's her first time here in South Korea. I can't blame her. If I were her, I'd also be happy to try things I never tried before. 

"Shall we try that one?" I asked pointing at the vikings

She nodded and smiled "Can we?"

"Yeah, of course" Jeongin answered

They both held each others' hand tightly as they walked towards the vikings. The three of us rode the vikings, Jina at the middle of me and Jeongin. The ride started, all I can hear were screams and laughs. As the ride finally finished, we went to the nearest ride.

"Babe-" Jina

"Minho already knows" Jeongin

Jina looked at me "Really? I hope you're not scared of me"

"I am not"

"Thank you" she smiled

I hope that smile will be the new hope of North Korea...


Jeongin's POV

I can say that Jina enjoyed every rides and foods we tried. She even bought a lot of toys for her sister, Ju Ae.

"Thank you so much, Minho" Jina smiled at him

"Yeah, you two should go now" Minho

"Thank you"

He nodded "Go on. I'll just tell them that Jina is too tired to go there"

"Yeah, take care"

Jina and I entered the car and I started driving to my condominium. It's already afternoon but I don't know where to bring her.

"Is there a place you have on your mind?"

"I don't have any idea" Jina

I nodded and smiled "Let's go to the namsan tower tomorrow night"

"What is that place?" Jina

"You know, a place where you can look at a very beautiful view. A place where you can lock promises together with someone you love"

Jina just nodded and looked at the window. She's back to being the coldest girl I know. Still, I am happy that she's slowly trusting me.

"Jeongin" she called


"D-Do you know a g-guy named Kim Hansol?" Jina


"Y-Yeah, he is my cousin from my Father's side. He is one of the candidates of being the next president" Jina

"Why? What do you want from him? I mean yeah he is your cousin but do you know that he is being hide from everyone?"

"I know, that's why I want to ask for your help. He is the only one I have and the hope of the people from North Korea. I know how much he wanted to change the country. I am the next president and I know I'm not sure of what I am doing. I need Hansol to take over-" Jina

"Look, what you are planning is dangerous. We both doesn't know if your brother sent a someone to spy on you. It's not just me or you who will be in danger, also Hansol"

She sighed and looked at me "Can you help me with this one? I want my country to be a better one and I want its people to be happy"

"I-I'm not sure"

"Please, hear me out not as President Kim Jong Un's daughter but as an ordinary girl from North Korea who is seeking for freedom" Jina...

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