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Jeongin's POV

"Thank you" Jina told the guy who guided us

"Your welcome, Ms. Kim" he smiled and walked away

Ya!!! Why would you smile at my girlfriend? She's mine! The fuck. In front of me. Really?! I'm really getting mad :))

"Let's go" Jina told me and walked away 

I carried our bags and I followed her. As we entered the village, everyone kept greeting Jina with smile on their faces. I guess she's pretty popular- Sh really is popular. She is the President's daughter and will be the next President. 

"Who is he?"

"He look so handsome!"

"We look good together"

"Ya! You're 78 years old! Why would you partner yourself with a young man?"

"Jina and that guy looks good together"

"Our next President is good at finding a husband"

"Oh! Is he her husband?"

"Yes! Why would Ms. Kim bring him home if not?"

"I didn't think of that. Wow."

"They really look good together"

(If you all watched Crash Landing On You, better imagine Captain Ri's house. That's what Jina's house looks like and also the neighbors' house. If you didn't, you guys should watch it to get the feeling)

We both entered the house. She locked the gate and entered the main house. I quickly followed her. She sat on the couch and looked at me.

"What took you so long to enter?" Jina

"I just heard something"

"You heard what?" Jina looked at me

"I'm not bragging or anything"

"What?" she raised her eyebrow

"I guess your neighbors are really good at seeing if the guy is handsome or not"

"What do you mean?" Jina

"They kept saying I'm handsome, we look good together and kept praising me. They said that we're married. That I am also the first guy you brought home"

Jina smirked and nodded "Really?"

"I'm telling you the truth. They kept saying I'm handsome. You can ask them if you're doubting me"

"Yang Jeongin" she called as she stood up, she crossed her arms "My neighbors are always like that, they would praise someone new. You do look handsome but that doesn't mean they are saying the truth. I mean they are old and they have uhm... Like something problem with their vision-"

"Are you saying that I'm not handsome?"

"I didn't say anything. I was just telling you that they are old and has problems with visions" she shrugged her shoulder and smiled "Aside from that, you are not the first guy I ever brought home"

There, I dropped our bags.


"A-Are you kidding me r-right now?!"

"What? I'm just telling you the truth" Jina

"Who did you brought here?"

"I-" Jina


"My Father went here, my Uncle, my cousin, Mother, and my sister. My Aunt also went here one time, and other assistants. Also..." she answered hurriedly


"The youngest high rank also went here" Jina

"That Han-gyeol guy? Why?"

"He brought me things I need to take care. What's wrong with that?" she asked

"I see, you two are close"

"Anyways, you are going to sleep here on the couch. I'll sleep in my room, ALONE" she winked at me and entered her room "You should cook for us!"

What the hell did I do to experience this?


After cooking our food for lunch. I quickly cleaned the table and went to her room carrying the garbage bag.

I knocked and opened the door "The food is ready, your highness. I'll just throw this garbage"

"Okay" she answered and still staring on her book

I sighed and quickly went outside. I threw the garbage bag where all the garbages are.

"Young man" a guy called me


"Are you stayng there with Ms. Kim?" he asked me

"Ya! Where are-" a woman shouted and stopped when he saw me "Hello, I am his wife. Who are you?"

"I am Yang Jeongin, from South Korea"

"From South Korea? How did you get here? I mean our country is close for tourists" the man asked

"I do hold some power in my country. I am the President Moon Jae In's nephew"

They both looked so shocked and covered their mouth as they both looked at me.

"Why is the nephew of President Moon and the daughter of President Kim were together in one roof?" woman asked me

"I don't know if I should say this. This is not the first time we spent time together in one roof. She lived with me when she was having her vacation in South Korea. Now, I am living with her for my vacation. I mean she really should take care of me"

"I guess this is destiny" man said and smiled at me genuinely "You two are meant to be together and meant to change our future"


"A good relationship between North and South Korea means unite. Now, I can't wait for the two of you to change everything" man

"Jina is kind and we all know that she wants the best for her people. We know how bad she wanted to change everything once she take the spot. But now, I guess the word unite will happen soon. It's all because of you two" woman smiled at me

"Not because of me. It's all because of Jina, she's the one who kept fighting for everyone's freedom. She is so strong and brave, and I know she will always be"

I am happy seeing people here not losing hope. Just seeing Jina makes them strong and hope for freedom.

I guess my girlfriend will be a good leader one day...

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