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This is my Sequal to my alternate ending for Allegiant called "Resurgent" so If you haven't read that yet you will be very confused on this story so enjoy!


Then a gun goes off.

I hope it's not Tobias, oh god not Tobias. I open my eyes and I see Jack Kang dead on the floor with a gun and blood. I gasp because he just took sucide right in front of us.

"Oh my god" I scream

"Tris" Tobias says

"This isn't right Tobias, there's obviously a good reason why he would drive himself to shoot himself and now he's dead!" I yell

Tobias looks on the glass desk where lays an envelope. I walk over to him and take a better view of it. It says to Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton. Tobias opens it and starts to read the letter, I read it along with him.

Dear Beatrice and Tobias Eaton,

Upon your arrival to my office, I told you about your mother and your aunt. They're together but we're not sure they're not alive. Since last night someone kidnapped them while they were sleeping, the guards tried to stop them but it was too late. They're in a city, in Illinois not that far called downtown. It Is out of the city of Chicago and a little farther from the bureau. It's a place where they keep convergents and they're dying. They know about you and they need your help. The town is called Newton, our government is changing.

-Jack Kang

Tobias sets down the paper on the desk and just stares at me. From on the hell we have been through, we have to go through more.


The sunrise appears in the morning light in Chicago. I sit on our balcony and watch it appear. They got rid of the factions two years ago, now we have a government where we're just free. Today is my birthday, I am turning eighteen. Tobias is now 20, his birthday was a couple months ago. I hear the door the balcony open and its Tobias holding a plate of something with candles. He walks over to me and sits down.

"I brought you pancakes, Your favorite" He smiles

"Thank You" I say

"Happy birthday!" He says

He sits down next to me, I make a wish and I blow my candles out. I take a bite of my pancake and I smile at Tobias. I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me.

"Do you think they're still out there?" I ask

"Who?" He says

"Your mother and my aunt" I say

"I guess so, but they're miles away and I'm not positive where this city is" he says

"Do you miss her?" I ask

"Who, evelyn?" He asks

"Yeah" I say

"Yeah I do, now that she's actually gone it's hard" he says

"Maybe they're still out there" I say

"We have been trying for two years Tris, they're gone" he says

"Tobias you don't know that" I say

"Tris, think about it we would have found them by now if they were alive" he says

He doesn't even show any emotion over this. I guess he is used to all this pain it's not as hard to grief over. But I still believe there out there still.

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