The truth

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Fury called in for a meeting with the avengers.

They were contemplating the reason for the meeting when the door burst open and in came Nick Fury along with a strange man with a staff. The man had a weird aura around him that the avengers sometimes saw around Thor.

Speaking of Thor, the god of thunder went ahead and bowed to the man with staff to which the man bowed back.

"Hey Hermes!! Long time no see..." Said Thor.

The guy, Hermes replied "Yeah dude, I was a little busy with the war-stuff but I haven't seen you in a long while as well"

"Yeah well, I was busy in a war as well at another planet. Anyways good to see you"

Both gods smiled at each other while other avengers looked perplexed.

Finally Fury cleared his throat "now would be a good time to address the elephant in the room"

Hermes broke the ice "well... I am Hermes, Greek god of messengers, travellers, thieves and a lot more but that's not important. I am here to deliver Zeus' message for Nicholas Fury son of Athena and his mortal group of heroes called avengers." He paused for a moment to let the idea sink in. He continued "Zeus remembered that you made this organisation as a backup for demigods. This is the time they need it or so to say it's machinery."

The moment he stopped speaking the avengers started talking. They chatted with one another occasionally stealing a glance at Hermes. Finally Natasha asked the question that bugged them all.

"Don't tell me Greek mythology is real!!"

Everyone looked expectantly at Hermes but Fury answered.

"Yes, the Greek mythology is real. All Greek gods are real and so are the demigods. I myself am a demigod son of Athena." He took a breath and continued "Tony I know your question, no need to raise hand we're not in a school. Yes this is why we gave you and the other agents of this organisation a basic knowledge of every mythology known."

Steve, who was lost in thoughts until then spoke up "so what this god" he said pointing at Hermes "said that you made this organisation as backup for demigods is real?" He knew the answer but it doesn't hurt to confirm.

Fury nodded his head.

"We have to tell them from the beginning I guess." Hermes nodded "I'll let you all catch-up while I go for an urgent shipping. When you're done just burn a part of food as sacrifice to Hermes. I hope you remember how to do it Fury after living away from camp for so long. I will come and deliver the rest of the message."

Nobody but Thor and Fury nodded their head as if they understand what the god of thieves was speaking.

"Well then, cover your eyes see you later" he warned.

They all compiled except Thor. When they opened their eyes the god was gone with just a lingering fragrance of old cardboard boxes used for packaging.

Everyone turned to Fury and said at once "explain."

"Where do I begin" he pondered "oh wait, yes, so you see the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D were a group of demigods. I think you all know the basics about the Greek world by those classes, if you forgot by any chance then let me remind you that the teenage is crucial for us. Very few of us get the chance to be legally adult much less become old because of the constant attacks of monsters."

He paused to let that information sink in and looked at his team. They had varied expressions from pity to astonishment. The most heart touching expression was Clint's, regarding that he himself had kids  who were teens. He was concerned.

After a moment or two he continued " so there is a place called camp half-blood where the camp director Chiron trains young demigods so that they can survive the monster attacks. There is a Roman camp called camp Jupiter as well but neither camp knew the existence of the other up until half year ago, well at least except for Chiron none of the camp's knew."

This was another shock to the avengers. Just Greek world was hard to digest but Fury had to bring the Roman world too.
Some even looked like their brains would explode at any moment with this much explanation.

"Okay, we do understand that there are two demigod camp to train them, but how is the existence of demigods' made you make this organisation?" Clint asked.

Fury rubbed his forehead while answering "so there was a prophecy of a war among the gods and the titans. It stated one child of the big three gods will lead a battle at the age of sixteen which will either preserve Olympus or destroy it."

Thor stroked his beard "yes I remember it Magnus informed me about it. How his sister Annabeth's boyfriend Percy was the child of the prophecy."

Fury remembered with a smile "ah those brave heroes, there were many casualties but in the end the gods won because of the demigods." Then he grew serious "that was the reason. When I got the news that there was a new kid in the camp twelve years old, son of Poseidon god of the seas, one of the big three everybody began to suspect that the days of battle have come. Hence I along with some other adult demigods created this organisation and began recruiting agents to provide manpower for the battle, I couldn't let teenagers sacrifice themselves"

He let out a sigh.

"But there came the problem, before the second titan war, as we call it, chitauri attacked and I had to take care of them then came thanos so I couldn't help them much. I did provide them traditional armours and weapons."

Thor shot up from his chair "wait a minute... Magnus told me of another war.. let me remember.... A giant war? What was that"

"It was another prophecy about seven demigods against the earth mother Gaea. That battle was led by Perseus Jackson as well. At that time you were busy with restoring the infinity stones and defeat thanos so again we couldn't do much."

Natasha made eye contact with Fury silently asking if it would be fine to interrupt.

"Go ahead ask away, Natasha"

"Sir, if these kids have survived so many battles then they must be very powerful"

At this Fury smiled proudly beckoning them to come with him. He led them to his office to the secret photo collage.

"Yes they are."

Author's note:
Please tell me how do you like the story so far.
Is this too much of information. Shall I just shorten the description of demigods as I have planned another chapter to finish the description.

Do tell me if you like it. It brings a smile to my face.

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