They have a 'dam' problem

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Percy knew that safe journey without any monsters wasn't possible.

The gods' had put a barrier around his home, not the whole city. It was just his luck that he was a son of the big three and after surviving this long, their scent had become strong also not to mention that he and Annabeth were heroes of Olympus so their demigod aura would be brighter than others and life monsters.

He was fidgeting with riptide in pen form. His ADHD was acting in, that meant that some serious action was about to happen. He had no help, the avengers had mortal weapons and unless they were to go in hand to hand combat, Percy was alone. But he would not let any of the monsters come near Annabeth.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't see his long lost buddy was blocking the way.

"Dam" he muttered. Bruce, who was on the driver's seat glanced at him "what is this creature!"

Percy didn't answer, instead opened the door and jumped out. The Minotaur roared at him but Percy cut off "again dude! How do you escape Tartarus so fast.... You should've told me before at least we would be back earlier." The Minotaur just grunted in reply.

"Now as we have catched up, do you mind me poking you with my sword. We're friends right! So I won't let you feel pain, just a simple poke then poof you'll become a very beautiful pile of gold dust. You could go back to Tartarus and I would go back my way and we can meet sometime later to catch up, when you come back?" Minotaur actually pondered over it. "How does it sound?" The bull-man was about to agree when another friend of Percy's came out of nowhere "don't you see he's trying to confuse you thickhead!!" She yelled.

"How can you think so lowly of me Kelli!!" He gasped, feigning hurt "oh cut the act Perseus. We are not alone. Today we'll finish you once and for all."

"2587" Percy muttered but everyone heard. "What was that" Kelli asked "some sort of code? Plan number?. You demigods have become smart I need to inform others about this."

"Nope. Just the number of death threats."

"Percy what's happening" Natasha shouted from the other car which had stopped too. "Nothing, I'll just be back" he yelled back.

Percy dived for Minotaur but the monster just stood still ready with a stone club. At the last minute he changed direction and went around Him, the monster had to turn around so fast that he lost his balance which was Percy's plan all along. He swiped riptide at his legs and just like that his childhood buddy became a beautiful pile of gold dust.

"Have a safe journey to the pit buddy."

"I am not alone half blood." At that precise moment a horde of monsters came out of nowhere. Half dozen dracaenae, 2 empousae, Medusa's sisters-Euryale and Steno the Gorgon still had that bargain mart uniform despite it being in tatters and just his luck, they had a drakon with them. Not any drakon just the one which can only be slayed by child of Ares.

"We heard your sidekick is dying, and thought to send you along with her."

"Nobody Touches Her" he said his voice deathly calm just like the sea before the storm. He scanned the area for assets and liabilities and that was when he realised that the avengers were out of the cars and fully suited standing at his either side blocking the way to the van from monsters.


The avengers were out in an instant, they had to help the kid. It didn't matter that he had experience, he was a teen and if it came to fight they wanted to protect the boy. However, this would not be possible. Percy had fought these monsters he knew how to kill them.

Steve turned to Percy and asked him how the monsters could be killed  to which he replied that he'll explain but first they had to distract them.

Natasha nodded and took out some smoke bombs from her hidden pockets. She threw them near the enemy and before they had the time to react the bombs activated and they went into a fit of coughs.

Without wasting any time Percy turned to address the avengers. "Okay. The ladies with metal and donkey legs are empousae. They usually charm men into coming near them and then they kill them. So Natasha only you wouldn't fall for the charm." He took a breath "you have to kill them all with your hands because your weapons will not kill them. Steve, you can knock them out with your shield but after that you need to use your hands." He continued "be careful with the gorgons, if by any chance they bleed then try to stay away from their blood. Blood from their right side can cure anything but from left side, it's poison so try to stay away from it"

"So Natasha you go after empousae and the men go after other monsters if you're too outnumbered throw the monsters at the direction of my blade" he winked "as soon as it touches their skin they'll dissolve" by this the smoke had started dissipating. Everyone started to take offensive position. "But what about the dragon?" Bruce yelled over the roar of monsters.

"That's the only one we can't kill, it's destined to die at the hands of a child of Ares. Currently we're running short on that."

"Okay. Let's do it." Tony voiced everyone's thoughts.

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