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After bidding Damasen a goodbye, the team returned to the makeshift tent. Both Percy and Annabeth had red rimmed eyes but after Damasen's warning nobody could sit still. They didn't ask the duo to meet for planning further course of action seeing that they just had to let their saviour go, but Damasen's words were clear.

The army was close and if they wanted to see another sunset they needed to come up with something.

So they had no other choice but to put their heads together and get as much advantage as possible by the newfound information by Bob.

"They are going to march into the city. Wreak havoc, kill on sight, until you come. Then they will attack head-on."

Annabeth straightened up, "we'll draw them in", Steve nodded and continued, "monsters can detect demigods. Spread out in pairs. One demigod, one avenger. Lure them away from the city."

Natasha butted in, "by any chance do not kill any of them in the city. They could retaliate by killing civilians."

"I'll aggravate them from sky and inform if there's an ambush, from above", Tony joined.

"Machines will go haywire if used by us. Our communication will solely depend upon our partners" Leo reminded.

"The weapons will be stored in my tent. I suggest we set up field infirmity there as well. It'll take less space on the outside." Thalia suggested.




The plan was coming out smooth.

Annabeth collect her thoughts about the next part and said, "we fight them outside the barrier, away from our family."

"Tony keep an eye on everyone from above. Gamora may be anywhere in the army." Annabeth instructed, then turned over to the guardians and spoke, "we need you to rescue her and bring her straight to Bruce, who will be in the tent."

"Percy, you and me, we're going to stall Akhlys long enough for the rescue to complete."

"That's Night's army. One should not underestimate her. Destroying demigods is just one part of their plan" Bob announced, concerned about his friends.

"She wants what Gaea couldn't have."

"The control over the world", Percy whispered.

Unlike demigods the avengers were confused, why wouldn't the Night lady come out and fight herself, instead of sending her children. If she came out herself then they would not have even a slim chance of winning.

So why not come, fight herself.

Clint voiced his thoughts, at which Bob sighed.

"People say that Gaea gave birth to Giants to kill gods. She didn't tell the real reason to anybody but her children."

Bruce furrowed his brows, "so how do you know about it? And what is it?"

"You pick up on things when you stay in Tartarus for so long."

"As for the real reason. The primordials cannot escape their domains. Ouranos was killed when he left the sky to meet Gaea on earth. Similarly, Gaea was bound to earth. You killed her by taking he away from her domain, in the sky. Giants were supposed to take over their nemesis' domain and rule it, of course under Gaea. She put her children up for monitoring the domains for her."

"To sum it up, Night won't risk coming on the surface and becoming vulnerable."

"Dang" Leo muttered, "I really thought that those stories that Chiron told us, about primordials like Tartarus and all coming to kill us was real"

He was trying to lighten the mood, anyone could see that but this was not the time to cheer up. This was the time to take action. Bob decided to tell them the last piece of information, after which, he was sure that his friends would go beyond boundaries to win this war.

"She's sending best of her minions for Percy. He is the hope of demigods. If he can survive two battles with an axe hanging above his head all the time, so can they. She's are trying to break the demigods from inside. She isn't like Gaea, waiting for a final moment to take you down with ceremonies, she'll kill you first before going to others."


The only thing that Percy felt in that moment. This was sadistic. How could anyone do that. Then of course, these were monsters. There was a reason they were called monsters and not creatures. The term monster, in itself was evil.

He balled his fists under the table and turned to Bob.

"Fates don't allow you to fight with us, but can you guard our loved ones behind our back." He thought back to his mom, who would now deliver anytime. He wanted to see his sister once.

Even if it's the last thing he sees

Battle meant casualties and he had experienced it firsthand.


"Let's end them once and for all."


Bob had been across the barrier for almost a minute and everyone was getting anxious.

Bob had gone outside to sense the army. Where it was and how long it would take them to reach the city.

Finally after what seemed like forever Bob came back, a frown etched on his face.

"They're a few hundred miles away, but they are moving fast. My guess is they'll probably reach the city by daybreak."

This was it. The time had come. They had to lead the army into the clearing a few hundred feet away from the barrier. There was no time for second thoughts.

Annabeth had to place her traps into a safe place beforehand. Then there was the matter of the statues.

Annabeth sighed and turned to others, "we need to rest before the battle. Make sure to place your weapons inside Hunter's tent before sleeping. We'll leave for the city before dawn." She commanded.

"Tony, I saw you have some spare robots equipped like your suit the other day. I might need some of those", she added as an afterthought.

Tony gave her a curt nod which she took as a sign of agreement and walked inside followed by everyone.

Everyone knew that despite the need to be rested, nobody would be able to fall asleep.

This was going to be a long night.

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