I have a plan

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The rest of the day went by in a flurry. Annabeth took the day off to rest from the mental strain, after all she had been trapped inside her own head for a month. At least she wasn't weak physically (thanks to Percy for feeding her ambrosia everyday,) just exhausted. Soon after Tony left she excused herself to Percy's room to sleep but not before promising Natasha to spar with her the next day.

Thalia had set up a Hunter's tent in the backyard inside the monster barrier and was lounging inside with leo while Natasha was rummaging through her supplies of weaponry. She was just looking through the stacks of arrows when she spoke, "you know, if we want to win in this war everyone has to have at least something that has celestial bronze."

"Yup, now that you brought it up I have some ideas of how to upgrade your preferred weapons but I don't think anyone will be focused to hear me out until their families come so I'll just wait until evening and inform ya'll when everyone is here." Leo stated and winked at Thalia at which she just rolled her eyes. He had to say, Thalia was the most laid-back hunter. She knew when men joked with them and when they were serious but others' mind was somewhat similar to coach Hedge, just one thing going on all the time, kill them.


By sunset people were bustling about in the headquarters. Clint's family, Tony's family and Percy's mom and Paul who took off from the school for a few while for his wife's medical emergency. Sally's baby bump was enormous and the baby was due next week. As soon as she saw Annabeth stepping out of Percy's room she hugged her like her life depended on it. After a few rounds of tears and a full body inspection to make sure there were no injuries they all settled in the living room.

Percy and Steve had spent the whole afternoon making a new dining table to accommodate them all and placed it in the living room. It gave a homey feel to the headquarters. Sally had brought the seven layer dip, blue cookies and some snacks with her since Clint and Natasha couldn't go to her place after the mission as they were chased by some monsters. People introduced themselves and got acquainted with each other while the avengers ate. all of them had been briefed on the situation at hand. Once they finished their dinner everyone went back to their businesses calling it a night. Soon only demigods and avengers were left in the living room.

Leo cleared his throat and began, "okay, before you start planning let's discuss weapons." He took a deep breath and continued, "I saw all your fighting patterns the other day while training. So Steve, you mainly fight with your shield by swinging it like a throw disk so I thought it would be even more deadly if your shield had extensions in the shape of sharpened dinosaur teeth. Dozens of them. It will kill monsters wherever you throw it." Steve nodded in appreciation and Leo grinned mischievously. "Clint works with bows and arrows so you just need celestial bronze arrows with some of my special ones. I'll tell you about them later." He winked at Clint and continued, "Natasha gets daggers similar to Annabeth. Tony, your suit just needs some stripes of the metal with a few enchantments. Bruce I saw you working with force of fists so I think some sharp metal braces will do. It goes to Natasha as well." Bruce smiled and Natasha nodded her head all the while Leo was jumping in his seat, eager to go make something. As soon as he got everyone's go-ahead he bolted towards the door but Annabeth stopped him.

He turned around and notice Annabeth sporting a smile similar to his own. "Leo, after you make all the weapons paint them silver, similar to the ones mortals use. Let it trick them." She said and at this leo rubbed his hands, nodded and left them after Tony gave him instructions for the way to his workshop. Thalia followed him to give him some of her spare daggers from the tent to melt and use.

"How are you so sure about that. They would know that we have celestial bronze." Percy turned to Annabeth raising an eyebrow. "Percy you would know, after all our first strategy in battle is stalling the combat, talk to them. Boast and distract. Keep talking and they wouldn't have any suspicion about our weapons. Act dumb and when she asks about weapons, get afraid. Boom we got our element of surprise." She deadpanned. The avengers looked at her in awe. If anything, this was proof that she was daughter of goddess of battle strategy.

"Okay, so since Leo and Thalia are not coming anytime soon lets discuss plans in the morning with a fresh mind" Natasha suggested to which everyone agreed. They all went back to their rooms while Percy and Annabeth made their way to where Sally and Paul were staying. She knocked on the door and entered when it opened.

They went over to their bed. Over the years they had become Annabeth's parents as well. Percy and Annabeth spent some time with them, catching up. Smiling when remembering the early days. It was midnight when they moved to their rooms. Her's was next to Percy's. That night she went to bed with a smile, and she would do anything to keep them safe.


Tony woke up to the speakers all around the headquarters blaring 'girl on fire' on loop. He stumbled into the living room along with everyone else. All of them seemed to have woken up just then. He entered to see a grinning Leo standing in the middle of the room.

"Used one of your computers to hack into your system and put it on speaker. The computer exploded but I got the song." He said  cheekily. Many grumbled at him but nevertheless went off with their morning. Leo jumped away to who knows where leaving Tony to grab himself his breakfast. They all had breakfast together like a big family. Leo still hadn't showed up. Morgan was sitting in her girl cave reading an encyclopedia with Natasha beside her and the avengers and demigods on the couches beside it.

"Auntie Nat?" The little girl asked, "yes sweetie" Natasha turned towards her to give her undivided attention. "What is a fossil auntie?" She pointed her index finger on one of the pictures on the page. Natasha calmly explained her the meaning of a fossil.

"Does that mean uncle Steve is a living fossil?" She asked innocently and Clint choked on the water he had been drinking while everyone burst out laughing. Tony managed a that's my girl  in between his laughs. He went over to pick her up and propped her up on his hip while moving towards Steve.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" He managed to say with a straight face. She hesitantly poked Steve's cheek with her index finger and immediately recoiled into her father's embrace. That was it. Tony couldn't control it anymore. He laughed so hard he had to set Morgan on the floor and clutch his stomach.

"It's not funny" Steve mumbled. Just then Pepper came in, saw the expressions on everyone's faces, shook her head, picked up Morgan and left the room.

Just as the laughter died Leo came in along with Annabeth, both carrying a trolley between them. They placed the trolley in between everyone. It carried some carry bags filled with who knows what. Leo took one of the bags and  dumped it's contents on one of the coffee table. It had around a dozen daggers. All of different sizes, some pocket knives and a few metal braces separated from each other to look like small rings with pointed ends instead of diamonds.

Annabeth took another bag and pulled out Steve's shield which looked like it had deadly shark teeth at the end. He smiled and strapped it to his arm nodding at the light weight. Next she brought out some arrows. "Red, for fire, green for poison gas, black normal, blue for Apollo's horrible song." She pointed out showing the colour of shafts to him. He nodded and took them so gingerly as if he were getting birthday present. Next she brought a silver painted whip and handed it to Natasha. It had jagged end made to cut into skin in various places even if it is hit once. Natasha took it happily and Annabeth handed her some sort of cover to cover the whip when not in use. She took the cover, slipped it in and wrapped the whip in the belt loops in her clothes. She looked deadlier than before.

After they had all settled down Annabeth spoke up, "from what I could gather, they have around 300-350 monsters with some of Night's children. By now they must've seen that I am not there so probably they would attack earlier than planned. When? I don't know. Most likely they'll still keep Gamora hostage, seeking for last moment blackmail. That's all I know. We should be prepared, attack would be anytime." They all agreed with her. She leaned forward and announced, "I have a plan."

Percy snorted and everyone ignored him.


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