Too Much Information

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Percy was confused. What is Gamora? It sounded like a name. But what did it relate to Annabeth? Why did Wanda pass out? Will Annabeth be okay? He felt the he might pass out too but he pushed these thoughts out of his mind when he saw the expressions on the faces of the avengers. He instantly knew that they knew this Gamora so he started by asking them that.

"Okay, who is Gamora?" Steve moved forward and motioned him to sit on one of the visitor's couches. Thalia and Leo followed suit. After they were settled Tony spoke.

"While you were in your recent war, we were at war as well. You already know that." He started, "well, the enemy was Thanos. Big purple guy who probably used hand rake to shave his chin. Anyway, off topic, he had adopted children who used to do his bidding. His favourite one was Gamora."

"Okay so that means she could be the one trapping Annabeth" Leo wondered out loud. He did think the girl was scary but she had became a part of his family, although he wouldn't admit it, but throughout the month he tried to make something that would help her. Why couldn't she be a machine. He would've figured the problem if it was the case, but no.

Dam ADHD, he spaced out. The good thing was that he wasn't the only one to space out so the avengers had to repeat what they were saying while Thalia sat there facepalming herself and muttering "boys" under his breath.

"No she wasn't bad. When she realised what a douche his 'father' had been she left him. She joined a group called guardians to help people all over the universe. But that purple guy kidnapped her and sacrificed her for the soul stone." Tony repeated.

"That means she's dead. So how is she related to all this?" Percy was getting irritated. This was too much for him to handle.

"No she's not. When we went back in time we got her back and she fought alongside us in the final battle" Steve answered. "Whoa, wait back there you said back in time. H-h-ow?" Leo was shaken.

"Time machine duh. And no it's not open to visitors. We've locked it up and are not going to open it again." Tony said in a 'duh' tone and continued, "now the weird part. After the battle she kind of just left. Nobody heard from her. She just left. The guardians are currently looking for her. Her boyfriend, Star Trek is crazyly looking for any clue." Leo chuckled and soon it became a full blown laughter.

"Star Trek?" He choked out between bouts of laughter. Tony put his hand up in defence. "Hey, I forgot his name okay, his name was somewhat similar to Star Trek."

"Okay. So how is Gamora related to this?"

Nobody had the answer for this. They had to wait for Wanda to gain consciousness. Presently she was sprawled out on an infirmary bed next to Annabeth's. Percy stood up and went to sit near Annabeth on the edge of her bed. As Percy was busy cursing the fates in his head Wanda groaned and shifted to a comfortable position. Immediately all eyes were on her.

From the questioning looks of her teammates and demigods she understood their silent question. What happened

"I went inside her visions. I saw her chained to a wall in a cell. She was perfectly fine. No injuries. Just chained to a wall. She looked malnourished. I asked her who put her like that but she didn't answer. She just pointed to the cell opposite her's. Nobody could see me so I just drifted off to the opposite cell. There were creatures in there. I couldn't see them. It was like they were made up of darkness. What I did see was Gamora tied to the wall similar to Annabeth. I couldn't go near her, nor could I hear anything but I did manage to shake Annabeth awake, break her chains and led her to one of the doors. As soon as we stepped outside I was pushed out of her mind."

She waited for any logical explanation but none came. Everyone was shocked. By the looks she figured they needed some privacy so she asked for dinner before going to bed. It was already midnight. In all these things nobody remembered to eat and now that Wanda reminded them their stomach began grumbling simultaneously. They all went over to the dining room and started stuffing their mouths. All of a sudden Percy dropped his fork and leaned forward to ask when would Annabeth wake to which she replied that she would have a normal sleep and would wake up in the morning. Percy nodded and his tense shoulders relaxed.

While doing the dishes Thalia asked, "would you mind if we crash here for the night. We want to see her awake tomorrow." Nobody objected. They were finally seeing smiled on the demigods' faces.

They all went to bed. Percy was not so eager for bed but he had to be rested to see his wise girl tomorrow so he went to bed.


Percy awoke to sound of alarms blaring. Not the bedside clock. This one was resonating from the walls. Suddenly F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice replaced the alarms.

"Sir there is a commotion in the infirmary. Mr. Stark wants you to come there quick." Percy sprinted to the infirmary in his finding Nemo pajamas to find that Steve was passed out on the doorstep. He too was in pajamas. His shirt said, 'Steve Rogers is the new Chris Evans'.

Percy carefully entered the infirmary to see Tony Stark stumbling in circles in a corner holding his head. His vision focused when he saw a mob of blond hair moved from the corner of his eye. He turned so fast that if he had long hair it was sure he would've got a whiplash. There was his wise girl, tackling a frightened Bruce. Despite being twice her size she didn't look intimidated.

"Wise girl", he whispered. She froze and slowly turned. Her stormy grey eyes were troubled. Confusion across her face. Without wasting any time he ran to her and hugged her, swept her off the floor and spun around, tears falling from his eyes. Tears of joy. Meanwhile Bruce was in a corner watching the reunion with a small smile. Tony seemed to have steadied himself and was dragging Steve inside the infirmary.

After a long hug Percy pulled away but still left their fingers interlocked. A genuine smile on his face. A moment later Thalia and Leo ran in. Thalia wasted no time and went over to hug her friend and for the second time he saw tears in her eyes, well who was he to say. He couldn't stop his rivers of years too while Leo's hair caught on fire and Percy had to douse him in water but instead of dousing his hair he drenched him head to toe in water and everyone burst out laughing. Well everyone except Steve who was groaning and holding his neck.

From here the shit is gonna be interesting with many surprises. So brace up.

Do you like my book so far. Do tell me it bring a smile to my face. 

Now the memes

Now the memes

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