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They were all doing perfectly fine. Tony blasting random monsters, Clint and Thalia taking out the monsters in their area, Natasha rotating the whip in the air, killing monsters who so much as dared to come closer. Steve's shield acting as frisbee, killing monsters with its sharp ends, Wanda and Annabeth engaged with Geras and Eris while Percy randomly sent sharp swords made up of water at Akhlys alongside killing monsters.

But something had to go wrong.

Amongst trying to impale Akhlys, Percy hadn't noticed the trail of poison following each demigod and avenger. By the time he noticed, it was very late. Akhlys had every one of them circled by her poison, save Wanda, who was too far into the battle to notice anything.

"Look out!", He shouted, but it was fruitless, they all had already noticed it. The poison sizzled when it came in contact with the ground.

Percy had promised Annabeth that he wouldn't control poison or for that matter any body fluids, also the gods' didn't know about his abilities so that wasn't an option. The poison was slowly creeping its way to them. Percy had to do something. In an instant without thinking, he controlled the water from one of the pools and doused the whole area, diluting all the poison.

What he didn't see was that Leo's emotions caused his temperature to shoot up and fire erupted near him, particularly where the now diluted poison was, creating thick steam.

At that very moment Leo's hair burst into flames, something that happened when he got some unexpected ideas.

Without waiting for a single second he set fire wherever the diluted poison was, creating a very thick veil which obstructed everyone's vision.

It was still diluted poison, the difference was that it was in gaseous state now.

"Thalia!" Leo yelled, "you can control the air, right?"

"Your point?" Thalia shouted back from somewhere in the veil covered area.

Annabeth had a sudden urge to soothe the itch on her hand. When she glanced at her hand, all she saw were rashes and she understood that it was the poison reacting with her skin.

"Then you know what to do with some poisonous air coming from a poison lady" Annabeth supplied, "I bet she hadn't had a sniff of her own poison yet"

At this Thalia grinned and nodded eagerly. She concentrated on the air around her and pictured it flowing as if in a pipe, in a straight line. She opened her eyes to see the thick veil had concentrated in the centre similar to how Thalia had wanted. Without waiting for a single second she directed all of it towards Akhlys who was still surprised of the fact that the veil had left her enemies alive.

Soon her nostrils filled with her own poison and she bent over and coughed her life out along with some golden ichor.

Thalia swiftly moved in the battlefield and reached behind an asthamaic Akhlys with Hunter's agility. She concentrated on the poisonous air, formed a blade and drove it into the heart of the goddess of misery.

She left her to bleed to death on the ground and ran to help her friends.

But they didn't need any help. Watching Akhlys die or at least fade sent a surge of energy in them. Thalia suspected it was Akhlys who was responsible for her friends' less enthusiasm before.

Wanda was back at tossing monsters into Greek fire accompanied by Natasha, while others were solely fighting the two gods left.
Thalia decided to kill the monsters first so that her friends don't get interrupted by anything.

She drew her bow and fired arrow after arrow at the monsters. Wanda saw Thalia shooting arrows and left her job of tossing monsters into fire. Instead, she controlled the arrows and directed them so that, by the time they lose their speed they already kill more than one monster.

Thalia smiled at Wanda in a thank you gesture and together they worked to kill the army. With the occasional fire arrow and all of the normal arrows the army was pretty easy to kill. Add onto the fact that Natasha's whip took down at least 5 monsters at once.

After confirming that not one monster was left, the trio turned to help their friends.

What they saw made their eyes bulge out of their sockets. It was civil war all over again. The avengers and demigods forming two teams and fighting each other. Their eyes unfocused, as if someone or rather, the goddess of disunity was controlling them. The gods themselves were standing at the side cackling at the sight.

Pure rage flowed in Thalia's veins. not caring about anything she shot an arrow at the evil goddess. She barely dodged the arrow and it embedded itself on the tree they were leaning on before. What was even more embarrassing than the target missing was that the arrow actually contained Apollo's songs, which when embedded, started to play the chorus from his band in Olympus.

Thalia gave out a sigh of frustration but it was deafened by a scream. Eris' scream.

She was tightly shutting her ears in hope to muffle something... maybe Apollo's songs?

She quickly looked back to where the civil war was going on to see her friends, weapons drawn, eyes blank gazing at something at the horizon. All of a sudden they simultaneously snapped out of their daze and turned towards the goddess, murder screaming from their stance.

It was then that Thalia understood the condition. The goddess of disunity could not hear Apollo's music as it was a chorus. A group of people signing in unison. It looked like Annabeth understood that too because in the next instant she was beside her dragging Clint with her. She pointed to the arrows and then to a now crying Eris. Clint understood the signal and together Clint and Thalia shot arrows after arrows at the goddess.

And just like that the goddess ceased existence.

"Well. Well. Well." Geras drawled, "now that you have done your work I need to kill you. Then I'll be the king of the world."

Percy understood his sick actions. Geras had not helped his comrades because he wanted them to die so that he can rule alone.

How sick of him.

"How can you kill me?" Geras boomed, "I am the god of old age. I don't have any weakness."

The team got in stance, not bothering to reply.

As expected Geras lunged at them, but before their swords could clash the unexpected happened.

Geras transformed into a pile of dust.

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