Plot twist

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"Thal?" Their expert's voice cracked.

"You know each other?" Steve asked.

"You're alive" she completely ignored them.

"Yeah, and so are you" Thalia countered.

Percy was baffled. He was wrapping his mind around the fact that Thalia knew one of the avengers when he got even more shocked. They were hugging. Not just any hug, Thalia was crying. Well, so was the other lady but Percy had never seen Thalia cry. They held each other for a long time. It was only when they pulled away that they realised that they had an audience.

"We were best friends before our lives became a mess." Thalia explained. She then turned to her friend and asked, "how is Pietro?"

A dark look crossed the lady's face. "He was shot." She mumbled, barely able to speak. Thalia hugged her again. She changed the subject, "I met Jason few months ago." At this the lady let go of her. "For sure?" She asked. "For sure" Thalia confirmed.

"Where is he?" The lady looked like she desperately wanted to meet Jason.

"Oh! He's off to an all boys school. Said that he wanted to complete his education and have a normal life. Personally, I think he missed being the goody two shoes that he is" Thalia laughed.

"Okay, looks like you already know Thalia, Wanda this is Percy and Leo" Steve stepped in and introduced. Percy came to know that the lady's name was Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlett Witch. She could manipulate minds and objects and do many more cool things that Percy refrained to ask. He wanted to take this lady to his wise girl immediately, but first he had to explain her the situation.


"So you're telling me that Greek mythology is not actually mythology and you are children of gods." Percy nodded in agreement. Just to confirm what he said he created a small hurricane from the bottled water on the tip of his index finger.

"Yeah, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon god of the sea and many more." As he finished Thalia let sparks dance on her fingertips, "Thalia, daughter of Zeus lord of the sky and a hunter of Artemis." Wanda whistled, "cool, so one of your friends is trapped in her mind for a month and you want me to bring her back. Did I get it right?" Percy nodded, all hints of playfulness gone.

"I'll try my best" she promised and stood up to go. Percy took the cue and guided her to the infirmary where Annabeth lay. She went near her and touched her forehead. She was silent for a while. When a while turned into minutes Percy and the avengers started to worry. Just as Bruce started to walk over Wanda brought back her hand so fast as if it were on fire.

She recoiled from the bedpost, gasping and uttered a single word before passing out,


Am I good at cliffhangers?
I feel like this whole story is a cliffhanger. I dunno what to do after the end of almost every chapter, but now I've got a flow.

Do tell me if you like my story so far...

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