This is the enemy

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It was already 5 in the morning and the little encounter with the daughter of Athena opened their sleepy eyes even more. Even after Percy explained Annabeth the whole story the avengers couldn't help but look behind their backs once a while. That girl had moves.

Annabeth and Natasha will click instantly. Steve thought. Thinking of Natasha, she was supposed to be on her mission for max to max one day. That means she would return with Clint today. The super soldier had a suspicion that the Clint-Natasha's mission was linked to the Gamora mystery. Their only source of information now was Annabeth. She would know who are messing with both demigod and avengers. But for now she had to calm down. She had missed a lot in the past month.

Avengers and demigods were currently sitting on the couches, well everyone except Percy and Annabeth. They were in Percy's room catching up. Percy had asked to leave them alone. He didn't want everyone to crowd her and confuse her even more. Bruce had informed that Annabeth needed to stay for a day more to finish off a final check-up.

"We would be forever grateful for your help. Annabeth is a sister to me and a leader of camp half blood. I don't know what we would do without her." Thalia's eyes held sincerety. Avengers smiled at her concern for her friend. A few people get true friends and these demigods were one of those. Closely knitted bunch of people who would die for each other. They reminded Steve of avengers. After so many years of working together they had become a family too.


They were all playing UNO when Percy and Annabeth entered the living room. Leo was clearly winning. Upon closer look one could see small screens hovering behind each player giving live pictures of each player's cards to Leo who was grinning maniacally. Annabeth was the only one who noticed that and rolled her eyes.

As expected, Leo won. It was then that they noticed Percy and Annabeth. They made space for the duo to join them which they gladly followed.

"Hey Annabeth, how are you feeling?" Bruce enquired. "Peachy" she lied. Nothing was peachy. She was shaken by the visions. She knew who their enemies were and why they had kidnapped Gamora but she couldn't burden these people by telling them that. The only person she had shared this with was Percy who had threatened to take her bug spray if she wouldn't tell him. So she had to forcefully tell him everything. Percy interlaced their fingers and she relaxed.

"Sir, Ms Natasha and Mr Clint are back with Peter. They asked for medical attention immediately." The A.I announced. Steve instantly ran to the main door to help them while Bruce went to the infirmary and Tony followed Steve closing the living room door behind him while the demigods shrugged and stood up to help the trio if needed.

"Who is Peter?" Leo wondered out loud. "We'll know when they get here, blue bottom" Thalia answered. At this Percy burst out laughing.

"I'll kill Jason for telling that. It was meant to be our secret. Those stupid monkeys. Ughhh" Leo grumbled. At this everyone laughed.

Just as they sobered up the living room door opened to show a limping Natasha supported by Clint and Steve while Tony was talking to a boy probably in high school. The new boy greeted Wanda who had just then stirred awake from the commotion. They sat Natasha on one of the couches. Her left leg propped up on the table. Upon closer inspection Annabeth saw some cuts and sprain in the ankle. She winced when she saw the sprained ankle. Memories of Arachne's lair were resurfacing. To distract her from it she pinched Percy.

"What?" He squeaked out while rubbing his arm where she had pinched him. "Ambrosia, idiot" she explained while rolling her eyes. He ran to his room while grumbling something about Annabeth becoming more violent. By the time Bruce returned from the infirmary with all the doctor's scary equipments Annabeth had already fed Natasha ambrosia. Her cuts had healed leaving just the cuts in her clothes. Her ankle's throbbing pain had reduced to a dull pain. Bruce worked on what remained of the injuries. Cleaning blood and making a makeshift cast for her ankle. Meanwhile Wanda came from the kitchen with food for the returned trio. She placed the food on a table and they digged in. Between bites of food the boy and demigods introduced each other and became acquainted. Percy got to know that the boy's name was Peter Parker. He was bitten by a radioactive spider. At this Annabeth winced and said that she felt him. He told them that he got some abilities from the spider and now he was spider man. At this all Annabeth's sympathy vapourised. She kept her distance from the spider dude. After a lot of consoling by the demigods she relaxed knowing that he wasn't there to harm her.

It was not long before Wanda addressed the elephant in the room.

"What happened in your vision, Annabeth?" She started, "the girl you showed me is a friend of ours and she's missing. We need to know who is doing that to both your world and ours."

Annabeth sighed and slouched in the couch. She had hoped that they would not play the Gamora card. There was no option other than tell them about her vision as well as about their enemies' plan.

She took a deep breath and answered, "when I was stabbed, the memories of... the pit replayed in my head. When it came to the point where I was reliving the palace of Night, all at once I got yanked out and transferred to a cell. The one Wanda saw me in. Gamora was already inside the opposite cell." It was as if with every sentence her throat was being chocked. Percy wrapped his arms around her and continued for her, "she got to know that Akhlys, the goddess of misery kidnapped her. They never tortured her. She was given food once in a while to support her existence. The minions of Night often came to Gamora and tried to force her to join their army. Once she overheard the minions talking that how trapping Annabeth was a brilliant distraction. How the demigods will be running to cure her while they strike with the avengers as their elite army. They just needed the avengers to agree to fight for them if they wanted Gamora back." By the time Percy finished everyone was either fuming, confused or shocked.

Clint was confused. Isn't this Akhlys a goddess? If she's a goddess then why does she wants demigods wiped out. He voice his thoughts to which Annabeth replied, "she is a goddess but she's daughter of Night, and Night is a primordial. Primordials are way too confusing. Our last war was against a primordial as you've heard and we tricked them to escape. I guess that was the last straw. So technically Akhlys is the bad goddess."

All of them were in deep thinking when Peter jumped out of his seat. "I tgink I know why my classmates disappeared and I think it's related to this." He stated. The avengers looked at him with curiosity while the demigods were flabbergasted. "A few days ago some of Peter's classmates disappeared for a night from the streets. The mission was to investigate further into the matter. We couldn't find anything but took Peter with us in case he knew something more." Natasha explained.

"Okay, now what's your theory kid?" Tony asked.

"Well, if the bad people want the good people to join them, what is better than keeping their loved ones hostage. They must've kept an eye on me that day and thought that the group were my friends. When they realised that we didn't know each other and that was our first conversation they wiped their memories and left them where they took them from."

Tony stood up abruptly and ordered, "kiddo, you are not going anywhere. Call your aunt and close friends here now. Clint call Laura and the kids here at this instant. Take the helicarrier if you want. Take Peter's relatives too." He paced around the room and ordered his A.I, "F.R.I.D.A.Y, call pepper and tell her to come at headquarters with Morgan and Happy this instant. Leave everything, I'll send some robots to pack and bring their necessities. Just come quick." It replied with an 'okay boss'.

He didn't need to explain his actions. Everyone understood that their loved ones were in monster radar. They ran off to call their loved ones or to help bring them to the headquarters. Soon only demigods, Natasha and Bruce were left in the living room.

"We need backup." Annabeth announced, "they have an army."

"I'll call the guardians. They would be more than happy to help given that Gamora is with them." Bruce informed and walked off to call them.

"Trouble seems to follow us everywhere." Thalia sighed and the rest nodded their heads in agreement. One more war to fight. Just a normal demigod day.....

Did anyone expect this turn of events.....

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