Peter Quill's new home: The Titanic

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Before they could continue further, an ear splitting scream from inside the building jolted them up.

As they ran the short distance to the main entrance another figure came out and judging by the redness on his face, he was the one with the inhuman scream.

A scream which can rival with the one by Apollo when he realised that he's a mortal with zits and flab!

Thalia squinted her eyes under the blinding sunlight to see the figure properly and sighed. He was the same idiot who had to be knocked out to stop killing the people who knew his girlfriend's whereabouts.

She seriously was going to hand over a Hunter's card to the poor girl after this mess was over.

She stopped running lay back on the ground, facing the sky. Not a single care for the world. The demigods followed suit,  joined by the Giant and Titan while the skeletal cat paced around them in circles as if to protect them and keep watch.

However, the avengers went ahead to greet the newcomers. Steve, the most civil person of the lot started explaining the condition at hand to Peter and group in a soft tone, as if talking to a wild animal.

The rest of them except Natasha joined the demigods. None of them uttered a word, they just sat there right lipped to control the laughter bubbling inside.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, the explainations were over. Annabeth took it as an opening to introduce herself.

"Annabeth chase", she stuck her hand out to shake and Peter reluctantly took it and she gave it a firm shake, that meant business. She still hadn't forgotten about the burn on her knee but she had to suck it up if they were going to work together.

"Who is your godly parent and what are your abilities?" Peter asked in a gruff voice, trying to sound intimidating.

Annabeth ignored his feeble attempt to scare and opened her mouth to answer when she heard a snort from behind her. She turned around and saw an amused Thalia standing beside a red faced and tight lipped Leo, leaning into a glaring Percy for support. She knew if not for Percy, Leo would have long back fallen back on the ground rolling in laughter.

She turned back and replied, "daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, battle strategy and crafts."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "what good will it do in combat except for planning. Anybody can plan. We need manpower, what good can you be if y-" he didn't get to complete his sentence because he was greeting the earth with his face in an instant. Annabeth had one of his hands twisted around his back at a painful angle, her legs spreading his at a painful 180° angle while her other hand grabbing his other one and twisting the wrist so now the gun in his hand was pressed into his forehead.

It looked like a twisted messed up yoga pose and Clint wasted no time in clicking a picture.

"Now listen here, I can do much more than this. You heard me, crafting is one of my abilities and so is planning. Now you figure out what hell of a plan I'll execute on you with my crafting skills." Annabeth spat, her voice loud and clear to all of the newcomers as a warning and to Peter, a headstart.

"Be careful, where you step. Who knows which trap springs up if you take one wrong step", she whispered in his ear. She didn't need to be intimidating, a mere glance from her was deadly.

The raccoon whistled as Annabeth stormed inside the headquarters, no doubt planning her traps.

Tony turned to Damasen and said, "I'll go and open the rooftop. Can you step inside from there? There should be enough space for you under the roof, I'll go and make some comfortable space for you by then." The Giant patted Tony's back in appreciation and Tony rushed into the building followed by Leo.

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