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The sight in the morning was overwhelming. Thalia couldn't see it any longer. The longing in her heart was too much to handle. She looked around for one last time and stepped out of the building, desperately trying to control the tears threatening to fall at any given moment.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. It was then that she noticed that Leo had come out too, sitting next to her, in the same condition as her. He didn't say anything but it was all she needed. All they needed.

Both of them didn't have any parent, nobody to return to. She hadn't heard from Jason in a while and it made her life just like it was before she was reunited with him.

So she let her friends say their goodbyes to their friends and family. Tony hugging his family with his eyes closed, as if to remember this moment forever. Percy and Annabeth being fussed over by Sally and Paul. Their warnings to stay safe and come unscratched earning a laugh from the duo. Clint trying to reassure his family that everything would be okay with Natasha promising them that she'd have Clint's back at all times. Peter clinging to Tony as if just loosening his hold would make him disappear.

It was too much to handle.

Minutes later she heard the sound of main doors opening. She turned around to see Sally coming towards them. Without a word she pulled them both in a hug, whispering reassuring words. She kissed the top of their heads and smiled softly.

"Be safe."

Those two words were all it took for the tears to fall from their eyes. They hugged her again, this time, not letting go.

Percy and Annabeth joined them in the group hug.

"Now listen kids. I want all four of my children to be back as soon as this is over. Hopefully you'll get to see your sister by then." She caressed their faces while speaking. Her words brought smile on their faces. Thalia no longer felt the pain in her heart. She had a mother she always prayed for, right in front of her. Leo saw his mother in Sally. That thought alone made him smile. For the first time in a long while he felt like he belonged.

Percy leaned forward and placed a comforting hand on Sally's swollen belly.

"Hang on there, little sis. Your big bro needs to make sure that this world is safe for you." He whispered as if talking to his sister.

Annabeth was touched by his words but then she saw Steve come out of the building. As soon as he caught her eye he tapped his wrist, indicating 'its time'. She nodded her head and straightened her shoulders.

Steve walked inside and came back outside seconds later with the whole team. After one last goodbye Sally went back inside the building. Doors closed, blinds drew and a very intimidating Titan guarded the doorstep.

Annabeth took a step forward and turned to Tony, "where are the statues we got from the city?"

Tony gave some commands to his A.I and the rooftop opened. They stood silent as some robots picked up the statues and flew down towards them.

"Thalia will go with Steve, Percy with the guardians, Natasha with Clint, Tony, Wanda take the sky. Lure them in. Me and Leo are going to set up the traps. Bruce, you should check up all the machines in the infirmary." Annabeth commanded leaving no room for arguments.

She motioned them to stand next to the statue. One statue one pair. She then pressed a button on the shoe of the first statue.

"Command sequence Daedalus 23, protect them", she motioned to the first pair, which happened to be Clint and Natasha's "and defend the city." She commanded and with some cranking sounds the statue saluted. She repeated the same for the other statues and saw them leave.

She turned around to see a grinning leo and together they got to work.

Within an hour all traps were set and Annabeth and Leo were in the tent, helping Bruce ready everything, while the luring parties were facing the problem they never thought of.


As soon as people saw avengers walking among them at the break of dawn, chaos broke. Now they not only had to lure the monsters but also dodge the reporters who were swarming them like bees swarm honey.

Thankfully, Tony created a distraction so they were able to run out of there to do their work.

Finally they managed to draw the army into the clearing with a few scratches. However same could not be said about the statues. Percy was thankful that his wise girl sent those statues with them, otherwise he was sure that he would come back with a lot more than a few scratches.

Annabeth stood at the edge of the clearing waiting for her team so that when they come she could navigate them so that they don't trigger the traps.

As soon as they gathered Wanda spoke, "I saw the army coming here as a whole. Then halfway through a part of it with a few dozen monsters broke off and went to the east of the city. My guess is they have Gamora." Peter nodded his head and he along with his teammates went inside the barrier where he left his ship earlier. Moments later they saw the ship in the air and Drax sticking his hand out in a good luck gesture.

"Now, Thalia, Clint. When the army comes, find the monsters with one red eye. There will be a few of them. At my signal launch arrows at the red eye. Am I clear", Annabeth commanded with authority in her voice.



At this Steve started, "remember, we have normal weapons, no celestial bronze. We have no clue as to where is Gamora, and we are afraid of them."

Everyone nodded their heads and straightened up when they saw the army,  size of small dots on the horizon.

They all stood in formation, facing the horizon where the sun was barely peeking out.

Annabeth turned to Tony, "bring the drones. Time for re-enactment of Night at The Museum." Tony grinned in reply and gave orders to his A.I.

Tony pressed a button and some drones emerged from the nearby bushes. Concealed enough so the army doesn't see but visible to the team.

Leo grinned and motioned others to look at the bushes.

There, stood around half a dozen wax statues of monsters with one red eye.

"See the red eye. That's your aim" Leo informed to Thalia and Clint.

They nodded and turned their attention to the oncoming army. Leo whistled,

"Let the monsters game begin"

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