New friends

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The whole day passed on in a blur.

As soon as they reached the HQ, they wheeled Annabeth to one of the beds in infirmary. Tony offered Percy a room on the same floor as the avengers but he insisted to be near her. When lots of cajoling didn't work they caved in and gave him the keys to the nearest room to the infirmary.

Bruce had called the team of doctors and did a basic check-up of her vitals. They were astonished when they told Percy that her body doesn't requires any life support. Percy had just nodded while unpacking his clothes. When he looked up, he saw Bruce leaning against his doorway. Every room in the HQ had big doors so that Bruce could move easily.

It was then that he realised that Bruce was waiting was explanation. In the past month nobody had called him seaweed brain. He wondered that maybe when She used to call him stupid he could realise his stupidity. Now that she wasn't awake he didn't even realise that his brain is different than others'.

"We are hardwired for battle. It's in our blood. Most of our lives are spent on quests and we cannot risk going to a hospital, battered and bruised with no logical reasoning whatsoever." Percy explained. "Also since we have godly blood in us, it makes healing easier. So instead of putting her on life support we give her a little amount of ambrosia once a day."

Bruce scratched his imaginary beard. "Okay" he said, satisfied with the answer.

"Annabeth is resting, her vitals seem normal. If anything changes an alarm will go off." He informed Percy and he motioned him to continue. "I can give you a tour if you want." Percy had no work to do and one little tour did sound good.

He stood up "alright, lets get going."

Bruce led him through a maze of hallways explaining the different areas. There was a giant kitchen which was joined with the dining room. Beside the kitchen was living room as big as the campfire area at camp half-blood. Living room had a bunch of sofas that Percy didn't second glance. His ADHD was kicking in. His eyes darted everywhere, video games and consoles littered some cushions in the far corner. A giant TV sticked to the centre of the wall. Food was lying here and there.

Bruce noticed his gaze. "Sometimes it gets dirty if Tony loses the games he invented." He explained. There were small teddy bears a self made tent with fairy lights by one of the couches.

"That's Morgan's 'little girl cave', as she likes it to be called." Bruce must've seen Percy's perplexed face so he explained. "Morgan Stark. Tony's 5 years old daughter, she keeps him on his toes. She and her mother, Pepper." Percy smiled. This sounded exactly like the case at his home, where his mother kept him and Paul on their toes. And the pregnancy hormones lately have been the cherry on top. Now that he realised this he felt pity for Paul. He has to face her wrath alone.

He smiled for the first time in so long that he was shocked too along with Bruce who had stopped his tour and looked at Percy's face, a smile at his own.

"My mother is pregnant with my little sister. I understand what you're saying." Bruce gave him a genuine smile. It was good to see the kid opening up. The avengers wanted the kid to warm up to them, they wanted to help him go through his bad time. By then others had started scurrying in the living room and they all were happy to see the kid smiling. Percy was oblivious to this, it seemed like he was lost in a memories.

"We have children of all age groups at the camp. After the titan war me and Annabeth used to play with children at the camp. They used to brighten our days. All the tensions of the giant prophecy went away by spending time with them" Percy remenicised.

They were interrupted by a feminine voice that seemed to resonate through walls. "Mr. Stark you have a meeting with Mr. Parker in five minutes" it said. "It's F.R.I.D.A.Y, Tony's A.I" Natasha explained. She still looked torn. Anybody would, if they were told that their whole existence has been a lie. Percy decided then that he would talk to her and accommodate her to the new world.

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