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There they stood, single file, spread out to face the army which was now standing no more than 30 feet away. The monsters glaring at them, waiting for a single order to rip them to shreds.

Leading the army, grinning madly at them were Geras and Eris. The god of old age, with withering skin, receded hairline with hair in patches on his head, his grin causing wrinkles and fine lines to appear. some missing teeth while others corroded. It looked like someone had dressed up great ol' grandpa for Halloween.

Same could not be said for Eris. The goddess of strife was a beauty. In the dark cloak, her gleaming eyes looked harmless. But here aura said otherwise. The monsters around her shuffled continuously, as if confused whether to attack the team or stay away from battle. There seem to be some clash going on in the monsters. This no doubt was Eris' doing. After all, creating clashes, disagreement and disunity was her power.

Then there was Akhlys. She was even more gruesome than Percy and Annabeth described her to be. Pale skin. Eyes bloodshot and rheumy. Dried tears on her face. Blood pouring from cheeks as if she had clawed it herself out of misery. Her frame as thin as matchsticks, malnourished. She wore a Greek dress which had blood stains everywhere. A shield propped on one hand with an image of Akhlys gazing over her shield.

In all, the team concluded that Akhlys was the most dangerous of the trio.

"Perseus Jackson, surrender yourself", Eris boomed, "or be a part of bloodshed."

"Mortals" Geras added, his voice wavering like that of an old man. "Join us or your comrade dies. I'm sure, by now that girl", he pointed at Annabeth, "must've informed you that your friend is our guest."

There were no signs of the guardians being back from the rescue. That meant they had to talk it out.

"Oi old man!" Leo shouted as if talking to an old person with hearing problems, "get some glasses. Your eyesight is weakening. There is no Gamora here.I know some skilled doctors who will be more than happy to cure your eyesight"

Geras looked perplexed, "what?"

"On second thought, Leo, I think he should go for a full body check-up" Percy added, scratching his imaginary beard and clicked his tongue as if the old man was a stubborn child.

Annabeth smiled, "yeah. Akhlys, you need a makeover too. What would people say, the future ruler of the world, cannot even groom herself. What image would that create."

Geras argued, saying that he was going to be the ruler of the world and Annabeth smiled knowingly. Eris' mere presence was creating disagreements, Annabeth just gave the coals a gust of wind. Now they just had to lay back and enjoy the fire.

Amidst the argument, Leo nodded his head to Annabeth and she turned to Tony who smiled knowingly.

Tony's drones slipped the monsters with red eye conveniently in the army. Spread apart, for more coverage.

Leo elbowed Thalia who in return elbowed Clint. Leo pointed his chin discreetly at one of the monsters with red eye. Thalia and Clint caught on the monsters and nodded their heads. Leo smiled and Thalia walked over to Annabeth who was on the other side of the team, as if to give her support, but kept her eye out for the monsters in her area.

"Idiots" Eris hissed, "they are trying to make us fight. Can't you see!" At this both of them shut up and glared at the team.

From the corner of her eye, Natasha saw some bushes rustle, seconds later a green hand emerged from them held by a white one with his thumb facing upwards. She nudged Steve, who stood beside her, to gain his attention and turned to face the bush. Steve followed Natasha's eyes and saw the hand protruding from the bushes.

He let out a sigh of relief and turned to the team and gave them a firm nod. They caught on his signal and smiled.

"And why would we join you? Thanks but we'll pass the offer" Clint smiled sweetly.

"Very well. Then die." Akhlys said, her voice hollow, "we have an army, you've just signed your death warrant, insolent mortals."

"And we have demigods" Tony supplied.

Eris scoffed and straightened. This was enough for the team to draw their weapons. Percy with Riptide, Annabeth with her drakon bone sword, Steve with his upgraded shield, Clint and Thalia with their bows and arrows. Tony suited up, Wanda with no weapons but with red eyes, as sharp as lasers. And finally natasha.  With her all black costume, a knife in one hand and a barbed whip in another she looked like a grim reaper.

"How will you kill us with those things!"

Geras snorted and Percy just shrugged his shoulders. Annabeth lifted her arms in the sky, her under fingers pointing upwards and slowly turned her fingers towards the army. The team caught on to her signal and in a split second half a dozen arrows were flying in the sky.

With deadly precision, each arrow landed on the red eye. As soon as the arrow pierced the surface blasts rang. Half a dozen blasts, spewing Greek fire on the monsters within a 2 metre radius.

The god and goddesses turned their heads, shocked but quickly covered up by scowling at them.

"Like this" Thalia shouted over the shrieks of the monsters burning in the fire.

They were still outnumbered, but clearing around hundred of monsters had given them hope to win the battle.

The team stood still. They knew what was coming and they were prepared for it. Akhlys lifted her shield in the air and the monsters attacked. What they didn't know, the traps weren't over.

Crossing the 30 feet separating the team from the army turned out extremely difficult.

Ditches opened, Greek fires spilled, monsters flailed around, trying to distance themselves but were unable to. A few dozens of monsters, going back home.

By the time the monsters overcame the traps the team was prepared. They spread out in groups of twos sparing Wanda who was up in the air randomly tossing the monsters into the remnants of fire.

They all worked as a team, disintegrating the monsters at an alarming rate until all Hades broke loose.

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