Child of Ares

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The Avengers and Percy worked in perfect unanimousity. Natasha used her badass assassin moves. The empousae were slow as they had metal legs and she took advantage of it. Technically none of the Avengers could kill them without use of celestial bronze, imperial gold or stygian iron. They had to knock them out for Percy to kill using riptide. Soon the empousae were tied with ropes.

At the other end of the commotion Steve and Tony were fighting back to back with dracenae. Steve as usual used his shield as weapon and Tony was in his iron man suit to shield him. It was ironical, a shield used as weapon and a loaded suit as shield. They were outnumbered. These were Greek monsters, they fought using ancient tactics, they could trace technology but did not actually know how to use them as they spent their most of the time in Tartarus. When they did come at the surface they were busy hunting demigods.

With this thought Tony came up with a plan. To execute this plan he had to first warn Percy as to not to confuse him in view of the fact that the kid was away from modern inventions all his life. Steve distracted the dracenae when he saw the look on Tony's face that said 'this-genius-billionaire-philanthropist-playboy-has-a-crazy-plan-that-can-either-save-or-kill-you'. Steve knew better than go along. Years of working together can make you trust your companion.

Tony made his way to Percy all the while dodging attacks to see that he was gaining the upper hand in his combat with the gorgons. He fell in step beside Percy banging his metal suit against their heads.

Tony explained Percy his plan and he nodded in agreement. "Okay then!" Tony had that crazy glint in his eyes that reminded Percy of Leo when he used the crew of Argo II for his crazy experiments. He knew to back off when such a thing happened.

Tony sprinted over to Bruce before banging the gorgons with his suit making them stumble and for a minute Steno returned to her bargain mart mode. Eurayle had to knock some sense into her and that was all Percy needed to stab her leaving Steno with her not so pleasing customer services. Percy decided to try and distract the drakon from its rampage. Keyword being try. The avengers were barely dodging it's strikes the. The nearby settlements were in ruins. They hadn't realised but the drakon was a bigger problem then all of the monsters combined. Percy ran over to the drakon hoping that Clarisse will make an entry just like the titan war.

Tony explained Bruce his plan which he acknowledged. " F.R.I.D.A.Y enable B.A.R.F" in a few seconds a drone appeared and stopped before Tony. He began programming it for a correct illusion while Bruce was defending him. Clint and Natasha were back to back fighting while Steve went over to help Percy. Tony's fingers flew fast over the controls.

"Alright, team come here we do not want you near the illusions." Not everyone knew about the plan but they were well aware that any plan is better than no plan. The most important part of the plan was Percy. He had to use the element of surprise to kill them. Natasha and Clint took the clue and went over to where Percy and Steve were barely dodging the drakon's attacks. They switched places and Percy and Steve sprinted back to where the rest of the avengers were.

"On three" Tony stated. Everyone gave it a go-ahead. By that time every monster narrowed their eyes on them and moved in unison. "Three" Tony said and gave the drone command to bring other drones and copy the command given to the main one. "Two". The other drones flew over and took their positions and concealed itself in the surroundings out of the monsters' sight. Clint and Natasha were still fighting the drakon in the back. Both were exhausted but for the sake of their plan, were distracting it.

After confirming that the drones were in their places and Percy was ready with his sword, Tony yelled "one" and commanded F.R.I.D.A.Y to begin the illusion. By that time the monsters had advanced and were just a few feet away from them.

At his command the drones circled the horde of monsters and started the 360° illusion. Tony had set it up to show Antarctica with penguins flapping around icebergs. The looks on the monsters' faces was all it took for avengers to burst out laughing. Percy took the element of surprise and jumped into the illusion. Before they knew half of the monsters returned to the pit. The other half put up a fight but were still flabbergasted by the illusion so they were all dead with little effort.

Percy gave Tony the thumbs-up to remove the illusion. They couldn't use the same trick for the drakon as it was never staying at the same place. Percy was still inside the illusion when Tony removed it, he didn't see it coming and was thrown away by the drakon's tail. His sword clattered somewhere away. The impact was so hard that Percy went unconscious on the spot leaving the avengers to deal with a very angry drakon. All of them flew into action hitting it from all the sides.

They couldn't kill it but they could definitely injure it. With this thought in mind Natasha dove for Percy's sword which was yet to go back to his pocket. She ran to where Clint and Steve were fighting. They understood what she was doing, they were all trained. So she ran and stepped on Clint's locked palm who gave her a push upwards and she planted her next foot on Steve's shield which he held above his head. This gave her enough boost to reach the neck of the drakon.

She swiftly climbed up, using the layer of scales and handholds and footholds while the avengers were distracting it from the fact that there was an assassin with celestial bronze sword climbing up it's body. After the excruciating workout of climbing it's body Natasha reached its head and swiftly stabbed both of its eyes  and before it could make out what happened it tripped, courtesy of one of Tony's play-toys. Suddenly something came over Natasha instead of going back down at the ground her instincts told her to stab the beast in the head.

Even though a small part of her brain told that it could not be killed the larger one said to trust her instincts. And boy, trust she did. Before it could create any more destruction or throw her from its head she plunged the sword hilt deep into its skull.

What happened next was even more weird than the whole trusting her instincts thing.

The drakon dissolved into dust and Natasha free-fell. If it hadn't been for Steve's quick reflexes or Bruce's strong body she would've been a bleeding mess on the concrete.

Everyone was astonished. At that particular instant Percy groaned and tried to get up and clutched his side. "Where's drakon" he managed.

"Poof. Gone" Clint said amazement in his eyes. At this Percy stood up, lost his balance but still managed to stumble over to them. "What do you mean by poof, gone?" He asked confused. 

"I mean what I said. Nat stabbed its eyes with your sword before killing it. You said that only a child of Ares could kill it"

"Well, your answer is behind you." Percy pointed to Natasha who was standing at the back with a confused expression until she saw a hologram of a battle axe looming above her and she had an aura around her. Red coloured aura and her body seemed to glow. "Blessing of Ares" Percy clarified.

"You're a demigod. Precisely, daughter of Ares, god of war. Why you were unclaimed until now is beyond me but I have one theory. When a demigod comes to know about this Greek world monsters become more alert and follow them. You are already an assassin so maybe you never had to think about your parentage considering that you never had time outside of mission."

"That is thoughtful and possible." Bruce added.

"Let's head back fast, other monsters may have got the hint that three demigods are in vicinity." Everyone nodded and filed in their respective vehicles and continued the journey to the Avengers' headquarters before anyone could doze off due to exhaustion.

Throughout the whole ride to the point when they reached the headquarters only one thing was running through Natasha's mind.

Her world had turned upside down.

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