Show Off

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The avengers were genuinely intrigued by the daughter of Athena. It had been 4 hours since she dragged Leo to the workshop. The delivery guy gave Tony weird looks when Tony took the wax from the guy.

Upon closer look Clint could see the delivery guy write in his report, 'delivered to Tony Shark at 12:24'.

Everyone was bored. Especially little Morgan. None of her father's tech games interested her. She was having another one of her 'cheeseburger' days, when she would get grumpy if she wouldn't get a cheeseburger and the world outside the barrier wasn't actually safe. It had been a big deal in itself to get the wax, with the barrier not allowing anyone to enter. To cut the chase Morgan wasn't her cheerful self.

Percy, of course noticed this. He frowned at the sight of the little girl crossing her arms over her chest glaring at anyone who so much as dared to come in her field of vision.

He walked over to Thalia who was sharpening her knives in her Hunter's tent.

"Hey Thals, have you met the others lately?"

With Annabeth lying on the bed, unconscious he hadn't actually noticed anything else. Sure his friends kept updating him about their lives but his sole attention would be on the girl on the bed.

"Yeah. Remember I told you that I got Nico from camp? Well there I saw everyone's doing good. Reconstruction is in line, Malcolm doing his design thing and Hephaestus kids helping him. Piper's gone to spend some time with her dad. Calypso's accomodating with the modern world in camp. Frank and Hazel off to camp Jupiter. That camp needs serious construction too besides the fact that the citizens of New Rome need a morale boost. Apollo off to some quest about freeing some oracles. Jason needed time off so he's at a boarding school now. I came here after bidding him goodbye."

She had a longing look on her face. It was clear that she wasn't actually happy  to let her brother out of her eyes. They still had to make up for all those years lost and she hoped that in the near future she could spend as much time with her stapler eating brother as she could.

She was brought out of her reverie by a certain fire user child of Hephaestus walking over to them grinning like a madman.

"That misery lady is going to get a hell of a surprise." He laughed devilishly. Both Thalia and Percy knew better than to ask the madman about his plans.

A shudder went through Thalia's body remembering the last time she saw a grin like that on his face. Safe to say, Aphrodite kids woke up to Chiron's favourite stereo blaring in their cabin. It was so loud that Thalia could hear it all the way from Artemis cabin.

They began talking animatedly and soon after it was time for lunch. They packed up and zipped the tent, planning to spend the rest of the day inside the building.

The demigods entered to see the whole living room in chaos. Tony was trying to feed a furious Morgan while Natasha and Clint were trying to coax her to eat and others had their hands over their ears to muffle her screams.

Leo sighed and walked over to Morgan. He crouched in front of her beside Tony and lit the tip of his index finger on fire. Morgan saw the fire and in an instant her frown turned into a laugh.

She reached forward in an attempt to touch the fire but Leo pulled back and shakes his head. He then shaped the fire in the form of a dragon. She clapped joyfully.

He was just starting to form the fire into another shape but Percy was quick to interject.

He gathered all the water bottles in the room and used a little to douse Leo's fire and made a huge hippocampus above Leo's head. By now Morgan was jumping on her place while Tony smiled and fed her little bites of her lunch.

Leo used Percy's momentary distraction to vapourise his hippocampus by his ball of fire. Before any of them could do some serious damage to each other Thalia stood in between and controlled the now vapourised air to create a dry hurricane around both the idiots. They were now a few feet above the ground. Annabeth walked over to Thalia and gave her a hi-five while laughing at the doofuses she called her friends.

"Show off!" She muttered.

By then Morgan had finished her food and looked at the trio with pure awe. Thalia's eyes softened looking at the little girl and released the boys. Percy's face was pale as paper from staying in the air.

They were disrupted by F.R.I.D.A.Y informing that the guardians had arrived but were unable to step inside the barrier.

Leo rushed out to see the space ship and hopefully tinker with it while others walked of calmly to the barrier.

"What are their names?" She asked to no one in particular.

"Peter Quill, Groot, Drax, Mantis and Rocket" Steve answered.

Annabeth nodded and repeated the names and allowed entry to them. She looked up to see a ship slowly landing directly ahead of them. Leo ran over to the ship even before the door opened.

The door wasn't even halfway open when a man leaped out grabbing the nearest person who happened to be Leo on gunpoint, with that strange looking gun.

In a split second Percy body slammed him loosening his grip on Leo. He and Percy stood side by side a few feet away from the new new guy who was now threatening them both with his gun.

Leo conjured up a ball of fire in an attempt to scare the guy. Percy followed his lead and held riptide in one hand while creating sharp water knives with the other hand which hovered in the air.

Annabeth knew that the situation would go out of hand if she didn't interrupt. She ran over and stepped between her friends and the new guy.

She was contemplating what to speak when something grazed her knees creating a sharp pain in the same area. She looked down for a split second to see the side of her knee bleeding and behind her a patch of grass burnt black.

Percy wasted no time jumping to her aid while Thalia took the matters in her hand.

"Seriously!" She sighed and Natasha walked over to join Thalia.

"You do not touch Annabeth, you good for nothing man" she yelled with such ferocity that even Leo flinched.

Natasha calmly walked over and greeted the guy to which he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Peter, these are friends. The girl you injured, Annabeth was trapped along with Gamora." At this Peter's head whipped over to her who was tended by Percy. He started to march over to her when a strange girl with antennas jumped on his shoulders and placed her hands on his temple.

"Go to sleep", she whispered. The tips of her antennas started glowing and in a second he fell on the ground.

Thalia noticed some people standing near the ship. A bulky man, a tree looking guy? And a raccoon.

"Here comes drama", she sighed and wiped a sheen of sweat from her forehead.


What do you think of my book. I have one last surprise up my sleeve. One that I hoped would be there in most of the fanfics but was in none...

Go ahead guess.....

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