Chapter 3

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But that was almost a year ago.

That much time and I still haven't been able to make sense of what led us to our breaking point. Over time, we started to talk less and I found myself having to stay at my apartment rather than his. I never lost my love for him. Yet the difficult truth is, he probably lost his love for me.

Instead of transferring, I remained on the team. I wasn't going to leave what felt like my second family. I dove into my work after what happened with Spencer. Being at the office or working on cases was bearable. There were no awkward moments or hostile attitudes between Spencer and I, we just defaulted back to a basic work relationship. I'm not going to lie, it was difficult for me to do that Most days I would go home and sit with the lights off after work, crying because all that time with him was just...gone. I refused to let it distract at me at work, I worked too hard to get to this point and I couldn't allow myself to let that interfere.

I had gone to college at Cornell for Animal Science. After a few failed attempts at getting into veterinary school, I decided to pursue a job with my degree. I began to constantly work despite feeling out of place and that something else was my calling.

While out walking around the city, I saw that there was a book signing at the library. I had time to kill so I thought, why not. The author was an agent at the BAU, he read the first chapter of his book and talked about his experiences there.Something clicked in my head, telling me this was what I was meant to do. Once I left my job at the time, I worked my way up to where I am now.

I met Spencer my first day as a member of the team. I remember sitting at the table, reading up on the latest case, when Spencer walked up to the counter for his third cup of coffee that day. For some reason I felt the need to say out loud,

"Damn this kid drinks a lot of coffee."

He immediately stopped pouring and put his mug down which made me lift my head up from the case file. He was looking right at me. I went to apologize but he interrupted me.

"What's your name?"

"Hi sorry, I'm y/n. well agent y/l/n."

"Beethoven was an ardent coffee lover, so much so, he would count 60 beans per cup for his serving of coffee. So in comparison to Beethoven, y/n, I don't drink a lot of coffee."

He finished pouring his coffee, looked at me once again, and then left.

I heard Derek laughing at me from his desk.

I mouthed the words "Who is that guy?" to Derek  in which he responded:

"The kid's name is Spencer. Don't ever come for the amount of coffee he drinks, I learned that awhile ago."

Spencer. I thought he was weird at first, no doubt about that. Little did I know I'd fall in love with his weirdness and crazy knowledge. Little did I know we would be where we are now. 

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