Author's Note

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Sorry I had to go and kill you off like that. I just needed to be a criminal minds writer real quick and give Spencer some more trauma.

Hopefully you all got the reference to the world slowing down in the end once y/n got shot. If you didn't get it: remember what happened when Spencer said 'I love you" for the first time at the beginning of the story? y/n described it as the world slowing down. Also, the quote in the last chapter is from the episode Zugzwang which is said by Maeve at the end of the episode. Just felt like adding an extra bit of sadness to it:D

BIG THANK YOU to those who have read my book, I had fun writing it and I hope you enjoyed it too:)

I have ideas for one or two more stories (trust me, I'll get plenty more ideas later) so please give a follow and stick around for those! I'm most likely going to wait to release them until they are finished because who doesn't love to binge read a story in one night.

Again, thank you for reading my story, love you all<3

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