Chapter 4

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The team had the week off since things had been kind of slow, but I came into work to finish up my reports. The only other person there was Hotch. I was gathering my things and getting ready to leave when Hotch appeared at the side of my desk.


"Oh! Hi Hotch."

The number of times he's scared me by doing that is too many to count.

"How have you been lately? I noticed things were off when you and Dr.Reid became more distant towards one another."

Shit. I can never keep it together when someone asks me about Spencer. It's been quite some time since our split yet I still have people asking if I'm ok. I honestly try my best to keep everything having to do with Spencer and I's relationship, out of work. People rarley ask Spencer if he's doing ok anymore. To be fair, he wouldn't tell them even if they asked. He doesn't like everyone worrying about him. He used to tell me though. Whatever was bothering him, I knew about it. I'm the same way really. I always lie about how I'm doing but dumb emotions always get the best of me. So, if Hotch really wants to know how I'm doing?

Not great Hotch. Not great.

But why on earth would I say that?

"I've been good."

Yep. That's all I could get out without giving away how I'm actually doing. I think I sold it well enough.

"Alright good. Well go on home already, I gave you guys the week off for a reason. I'll see you next week agent."

"I'm about to head home now. Bye Hotch, see you next week."

I mean that's what I wanted to happen right? I didn't want anyone finding how upset I actually was. For a bunch of profilers, I sometimes question their ability to read people.

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