Chapter 5

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"y/n help me out a little geez."

It was a Wednesday night, takeout night. Every Wednesday, Spencer and I would get takeout, usually chinese food, then watch movies.

"eh I don't think so Spence. I'm confident that tonight's the night you can figure it out."

We always ordered chinese from this one place a couple blocks down from Spencer's apartment. Both Spencer and I loved the food from that place. it was especially funny to watch him struggle to eat his food.

"I hate chopsticks."

I got in my car to leave work and realized what time it was. It was about 10 pm. I hadn't eaten lunch that day so I decided to get some late-night food. The only place I knew would be open for sure was one place that wasn't particularly my favorite at the moment.

The chinese takeout, a couple blocks down from Spencer's apartment. Wonderful. To really dig up those memories, it just happened to be a Wednesday.

I pulled up to the place, praying I wouldn't see Spencer. He couldn't be there. He must feel the same way about it as I do. It's late anyway, nobody should be there.

The lady working recognized me almost immediately. It was nice to hear her voice, I haven't stepped foot in this place ever since Spencer and I broke up.

"Spencer and I broke up.". It doesn't even feel right. Saying that in my head makes just about the same amount of sense to me as it did when it actually happened. So none.

I ordered the usual and decided to wait inside for my food. I turned around to find an available table and then I saw him.

It was Spencer.

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