Chapter 20

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I was dragged into a poorly-lit room. The only light was coming from the place where Spencer remained.

The man stopped once inside the room, dropped my ankles, and closed the door. Leaving the it completely dark.

Even though I was free from the man, I physically couldn't move.

I didn't know where the man was in the room and I didn't think I could find my way out if I tried.

All of a sudden I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

At this point I could suddenly move, it was my instinct kicking in and telling me to fight. I started kicking and hitting whoever had me over their shoulder but this didn't stop them. I was slammed down into what felt like a chair, knocking the wind out of me.

When I was able to pick my head up and open my eyes, I realized I was indeed in a chair, my wrists and ankles tied to it, and a light was now on.

I had tears streaming down my face both from fear and anger.

"Come on now, pretty girls like you don't cry. They shouldn't have to."

I looked up and saw the man standing in front of me. He had his mask off but I didn't recognize him. I refuse to respond, I'm not giving him the attention he so desperately seems to crave.

"Alright, you're not talking now huh? That's fine. You can listen can't you?"

I stayed quiet and kept eye contact.


I looked at him and gave a slight nod.

"Good. Now, I highly doubt you recognize me, even with the mess you and your team made. You people ruined my life. You took away the one thing I loved more than anything. You took away my Jenny."

Oh shit. Not this guy.

We had a case awhile back in Chicago, a satanic killer that tortured and killed women who resembled his late wife. The team had figured out who the unsub was but he had already taken his next soon-to-be victim. Long story short, we arrived at the place he was holding his victim and we got the guy but unfortunately we couldn't save the woman.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about your wife we really wished we could've gotten there earlier."

"Well it's too late for that now."

He began to walk towards me.

"I vowed to take from you what you took from me. I watched all the people in your little team, especially those of you who had found love with another. Then, I found out about you and him. I just knew that's who I had to go after."

When the case ended, we had to tell this guy that we couldn't save his wife. Spencer being who he is, took complete responsibility. He said that he made an error when finding the killer's comfort zone on the map, that if he didn't mess up we would've found the place earlier. He meant well but I really wish he hadn't said that.

"I followed your relationship for months, listened to conversations, found where you liked to spend your time. And then you two broke it off. Aw so sad. I thought, hey my job is done they both have lost who they loved. But no. I KNOW when something isn't really over."

He was inches away from me now.

"You and him, you still love each other. And we can't have that. You, him especially, need to learn what it's like to lose that love."

"Get out of my face."

I was angry now.

I spat at him and he backed away. I thought he would get the idea that meant stay away from me but of course that message didn't stand out.

He walked straight up to me and slapped me across the face.

"How dare you. Who has the upper hand here? That's right, me. I don't think you know what I could do."

"I'm not scared of you. I'm done being nice. Our team will be here soon and they're gonna take you down. You don't know anything about us or who we love. You're just a pathetic man who is coming after other people and hurting them so you can ignore the fact that you're fragile and small."

He was pissed now. I could see it in his eyes. I wasn't going to regret what I said not matter what happened.

"Take it back."



He stepped backwards and then raised his leg.

He kicked the base of my chair as hard as he could, causing the entire thing to lean back and fall.

I didn't feel it for a second but then it hit me, I had smacked my head off the hard floor. I cried out. I couldn't help it, it was damn close to some of the worst pain I've felt.

He looked at me, hunched over in my seat, and laughed.

The light went out as he left me alone in the room. There seemed to be another door out of there which he locked after exiting.

I couldn't do anything, I was in pain, so I just sat there.

I sat there till I passed out.

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